10 calcium rich foods

Be it medical science or a typical household, calcium as a nutrient has accorded and very well received its much deserved importance. And it is infact a great thing to do since calcium bears crucial responsibilities too. It performs the job of structuring and strengthening our bones, which are the foundation of our body.

While this function of calcium is quite well known to all, but how many also know that a small portion of calcium is absorbed by our blood which ensures smooth functioning of muscles, nerves, blood and heart too. And how to forget the good dental health that calcium helps maintain? Quite a lot it does! And what are the results of calcium deficiency in our body? A lot more than weak bones, joint pains, osteoporosis. Lack of calcium may even lead to colon cancer, breast cancer, lead poisoning, insulin resistance, premenstrual syndrome, high blood pressure etc.
Hence its is supremely imperative to include calcium rich foods in our daily diet and effectively fight presence and possibilities of calcium deficiency in our body. Following are the ten foods that are richest sources of calcium:
10 calcium rich foods
- Milk – It is as important for adults as for children. Milk is by far the most preferred source of calcium since it can be easily digested by all and also gets absorbed in our body quite well.
- Yoghurt – This is another dairy product which has calcium in abundance. Apart from calcium, it is a good source of proteins and good bacteria, so overall good for us. It is better to go for skimmed yoghurt so as to cut down on extra calories.
- Cheese – The favorite of all, this is one food that both kids as well as elderly love. So either have a slice of it everyday or prepare some nice recipes, choice is completely yours.
- Green leafy vegetables – Though vegetables in general are a good source of calcium, but the nutrient is found in even more abundance in green leafy vegetables. So do not forget to include lots of spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage etc. in your daily diet from now onwards.
- Beans – Whether kidney beans, white beans or baked beans, all are rich in calcium content.
- Herbs – There are numerous herbs and spices such as garlic, basil, mint, cinnamon, thyme etc. that not provide aroma and taste to your food but also nourish your body with calcium it requires.
- Orange – Orange is a pleasant tasting fruit that not only has lots of calcium but also Vitamin D. Consuming calcium rich foods is only half the job done because it is Vitamin D which ensures proper absorption of calcium in our body.
- Sea food – Besides calcium, sea food is an excellent source of iron, iodine, magnesium, Vitamin B and K which make it a great food choice for our overall well-being and health. You can go for salmon, shrimps, sardines, seaweeds etc.
- Sesame seeds – Sesame seeds are another supreme source of calcium. You can try out different recipes with sesame or simply soak two spoons of sesame in water every night and have it the next morning after draining out all the excess water. These two spoon fulls will provide your body as much as one-fourth of its daily calcium requirement.
- Almonds and other nuts – A great choice for vegetarians, nuts are again a rich source of a plethora of nutrients and not just calcium. They are an excellent mid-meal snack and without the extra unhealthy calories.