One of the key priorities of our life is to stay healthy and fit. Minor day-to-day ailments can be dealt with easily but it is always a good idea to take timely steps to stay away from major ailments such as tumors and cancers. Cancer is a word that everyone is scared of. But not anymore!
Eating the right food and in right quantity not only helps us to maintain a healthy weight but also allows you to strategize to eat certain foods that help fight against particular disease or keeping away from the risk of developing that disease in future. Similarly, there are a few foods items eating which can act as a defense mechanism against cancer.
Following are the list of 10 such superfoods:
1. Garlic – Garlic effectively prevents growth of cancer cells. Researches have shown that people who include garlic in their daily diet are at a lesser risk of suffering from all types of cancer and particularly those related to organs that help in digestion process.

2. All types of berries – All of love to eat berries. But besides the delightful taste, they also possess strong natural antioxidants that prevent creation of free radicals in our body that may damage our cells. So all sorts of berries such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries etc. prevent proliferation of cancers.

3. Tomatoes – Tomatoes contain lycopene, a cogent antioxidant in abundance. Processed tomatoes such as in the form of tomato ketchup are even richer in lycopene, consuming which can effectively prevent men from developing prostate cancer.

4. Green tea – Green tea contains plenty of antioxidants which have the capability to shrink tumors restrain growth of tumor cells. Researches have shown that green tea is an essential part of an anti-cancer diet.

5. Flax Seeds – Flax seeds are another super food trending these days. Organically grown unprocessed form of these seeds can form an important part of a nutritious diet. Flax seeds are rich in phytoestrogens, fiber and antioxidants which makes them a rich food capable of reducing the risk of cancers.

6. Cruciferous vegetables – These powerful vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals chemicals in abundance. Eating 3-5 servings of cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage) is a great way to keep away from prostate, lung, liver, colon and breast cancer.

7. Whole Grains – Including whole grains such as wheat (contained in chapatti, brown bread, whole wheat pasta etc.), barley, brown rice, oats etc. is a great way of adding good quality of fiber and antioxidants to your diet. These nutrients lower the risk of colorectal cancer to a great extent.

8. Turmeric – Turmeric, besides being the best anti-septic is also one the most used spice in Indian culinary preparations. Turmeric contains curcumin which is known to reduce the risk cancer.

9. Green leafy vegetables – There would hardly be a human on this planet who is not aware of the health benefits of green leafy vegetables. But only a few of them would know that besides their iron content, spinach, lettuce and other green leafy vegetables also contain antioxidants beta-carotene and lutein which have capabilities to curb the growth of some kinds of cancer cells.

10. Grapes and red wine – grapes and red wine comprise an antioxidant called resveratrol in good quantity. Intake of Resveratrol through grapes and limited quantity of red wine prevents incidence and spread of cancer.