Yes! We all know the power of SMILE. A lovely smile is enough to leave others speechless. Whether you wish to welcome, apologise or pamper someone, a lovely smile is enough to target all these things within one go. If someone has toothache, it becomes a bit tough to give a normal smile. In this connection, you need to pay attention over your oral health.
Are you suffering Toothache problem – know the reason and remedy –

Following simple tips can play a major role to keep your smile longer on your face. Toothache is one of the common problems by which a number of peoples have been sufferng. What is all about this disease, how can you keep yourself safe from this pain, home remedies and much more about it.
A Bit About Toothache
A kind of toothache pain that occurs in the teeth is called Toothache. It occurs around a tooth that can be caused by various reasons like –Tooth decay, Tooth fracture, A damaged filling, Abscessed Tooth, Infected Gums or Grinding Teeth. Toothache can occur in and around the teeth and jaws. Though it can be happened cause of various reasons but usually it happens because of tooth decay.
It may come and go or be constant as per the cause. Apart from it, eating or drinking may also increase the pain. Sometimes, pain can be worse at night especially when you are lying down. You may not believe but sometimes it becomes a bit tough to identify if the pain is in upper jaw or lower jaw. Saying would not be wrong that it is enough to make someone a bit confused as it feels like the pain coming from ear when a molar tooth is affected.
What About The Symptoms Of Toothache
Three can be various symptoms of Toothache like fever, headache, and foul –tasting drainage or swelling around the tooth. It may also occurs when you apply pressure on it.
When To Go for Dentist
- If you have been going through the toothache that has been occurring for the last 1 to 2 days.
- If your toothache is severe and you are not able to bear that.
- If you are going through fever, earache or pain while opening the mouth.
What Is About The Treatment
The toothache requires proper treatment and for this you have to go for dentist. Before serving you treatment, your dentist may ask different types of questions like
- How long you have been going through this pain.
- What is the density of the pain? Your dentist will ask about your history means if you had gone through any health issues in recent time.
- What is all about the location of the pain?
It is required to mention that the treatment of toothache depends on the cause. It can be vary from cause to cause.
How To Prevent from The Toothache
- First of all, it is required to go along with the great oral health. Good oral health keeps you away from problems. Are you suffering Toothache problem – know the reason and remedy
- You must use toothpaste having fluoride content as it is very helpful to keep your oral health good.
- Flossing is also required once daily as it keeps your teeth away from Clark accumulating.
- Apart from it, rinse it once or twice with the antiseptic mouthwash.
- Go for dentist twice in a year for cleaning. Are you suffering Toothache problem – know the reason and remedy
- Not only this, but you must eat food having low sugar in order to stay away from teeth problem.
Home Remedies for Toothache
- Garlic – This is one of the home-remedy available in every kitchen. Use of garlic plays a wide role to reduce paint and serve immense relief. It works as same as antibiotic do. Garlic is considered as medicine as it holds medicinal properties. What you need to do is take some garlic and crush it in gentle manner. During crushing, do not forget to add table salt or black salt as it increase its power. Apply this paste on your affected tooth to diminish the pain. If you prefer, then you may also chew it to get instant relief.
- Cloves – It has been using from a long time in Indian society. Cloves is widely known for having anti-inflammatory, anaesthetic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It diminishes the pain as well as increase the power to fight infection. Take two whole cloves and add a little olive oil or any vegetable oil and apply on the affected tooth. There is an another way which is take a cotton ball and dab it in clove oil and rub it on the affected tooth. Not only this, but you can use it to rinse your mouth with it adding few drops of clove oil in plain water.Are you suffering Toothache problem – know the reason and remedy
- Onion – onion is next in this list very helpful to eliminate the pain. This vegetable is loaded with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties to control a toothache. When you find pain in your tooth, you must go for chewing the raw onion for a few minutes to get relief from the pain. But if you are not interested to chew it then go for placing a piece of raw onion. Are you suffering Toothache problem – know the reason and remedy
- Warm Salt Water – A simple glass of warm salt water is very helpful to remove the pain from your tooth. It is not only being suggested by us but experts also suggest it. Take a glass of hot water, and add a half spoon of common salt. Use this mixer to rinse your mouth. It will remove the swelling and inflammation.
- Ice – It is easily available, you need to take some ice in your hand. And rub it in the space between your thumb and forefinger of the same side for 7 minutes. Repeat the process until the area becomes numb. This process plays a major role to reduce the pain as it stops sending signals to your brain.
If pain remains even then you must head to dentist. You must not ignore toothache taking it simple pain otherwise it may worse and can lead to severe pain. Are you suffering Toothache problem – know the reason and remedy
Have a Happy Reading….
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