Physical Activities & Exercise



Physical Activities & Exercise

Physical activities are activities that get your body moving such as gardening, walking the dog, raking leaves, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Exercise is a form of physical activity that is specifically planned, structured, and repetitive such as weight training, tai chi, or an aerobics class.

Physical Activities & Exercise

Physical Activities & Exercise
Physical Activities & Exercise

Exercise and physical activity can have a positive effect on your daily life. Once you’ve started exercising, it’s important to keep going,because both to be done on a regular basis to produce maximum benefits, even if you think you’re too old or too out of shape to exercise, becoming active on a regular basis will give you more energy and the ability to do things more easily, faster, and for longer than before. If you’re already active, keep up the good work. If you don’t exercise now, it’s never too late to start.

One of the best ways to stay physically active is to make it a life-long habit. Set yourself up to succeed right from the start by seeking to make exercise a regular part of your day. When it becomes a normal part of your everyday routine, like brushing your teeth, then you’ll be less likely to stop and will find it easier to start up again if you’re interrupted for some reason. If you can stick with an exercise routine or physical activity for at least 6 months, it’s a good sign that you’re on your way to making physical activity a regular habit.

In addition, regular exercise and physical activity can reduce the risk of developing some diseases and disabilities that develop as people grow older. In some cases, exercise is an effective treatment for many chronic conditions. For example, studies show that people with arthritis, heart disease, or diabetes benefit from regular exercise. Exercise also helps people with high blood pressure, balance problems, or difficulty walking.

One of the great things about physical activity is that there are so many ways to be active. For example, you can be active in short spurts throughout the day, or you can set aside specific times of the day on specific days of the week to exercise. Many physical activities—such as brisk walking, raking leaves, or taking the stairs whenever you can—are free or low cost and do not require special equipment.

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