If you are an action lover? Or if you are die-heart fan of John Abraham? If your answer is in affirmative, Rocky Handsome is for you. Rocky Handsome presents a good looking, body builder and macho man John without having a dialogue. Yes!!! It’s true.

In this movie, John will not be seen delivering a number of dialogues as he loves to be silent. Before reviewing this movie from the magnifying glasses, there are two words for the movie, it is a great treat for the action lovers and die-heart fan of John. If you are looking for these two factors then you may go for this movie without go through the whole blog. But if you wish to know more about Rocky Handsome then have patience and check out the whole article.
- JAM-PACKED WITH ACTION SCENES: – For the action lovers, Rocky Handsome is mind-blowing. There is a number of scenes which are all set to leave you speechless.
- JOHN’S PHYSIC: – Yes!!! John does not attract you with his good-looking face, but looks very cool at the time of performing the action scenes. He suits doing action.
- DIVYA AS NAOMI :- Being a child actor, she played her character well. You would love to see her.
- MUSIC: – The fact cannot be denied, they tried their best, but did not get success to bring out the desired as per the audience. And that’s why music is not so appealing. Whether it is lyrics, music or beats, nothing is up-to-the-mark. But there is only one good song “Aye Khuda”, which you may love to add in your music list.
- NISHIKANT’S ACTING:- He will be seen doing acting and over-acting both. The place behind the camera is perfect for him.
- NOTHING TO DO FOR SHRUTI HASSAN:- Now, the time has come that Shruti must think what she wish to do, if guest playing or prominent role. Here, she will be seen for a very less time.
- STORY IS WEIGHTLESS: – Kabir lives in Goa and is a mysterious person because of his different type of nature. He loves to make the distance from the society. His neighbour is Natalia Kaur and she has a daughter, namely Divya Chalwad. John and Divya become good friends, but her mother got stuck in some drug cases. There is nothing new in this story. It fails to make the connection between the different characters.
In a nutshell, Rocky Handsome can be a great movie if attention is paid over some factors including story and performance. But it is watchable if you wish to get indulged in the movie jam-packed with actions scenes. Rocky Handsome is flooded with exquisitely choreographed action scenes. It is an average movie. So, no need to expect more from Rocky Handsome.
And Yes!!! After watching this movie, do not forget to share your view. We have been waiting for your reviews and comments. Have fun on weekend with Rock Handsome…
- Genre – Action
- Star Cast – John Abraham, Nishikant Kamat, Diya Chalwad, Nathalia Kaur, Sharad Kelkar,
- Director – Nishikant Kamat
- Rating – 2/5