Scurvy is a kind of disease that occurs due to lack of vitamin C. There will be a few people who may know about this disease. If you are also one of them love to stay fit and healthy, you must hold knowledge about this disease. Everything about this disease has been mentioned below in a discreet manner. We hope that all essential points have been covered to increase your knowledge. Let’s check it out.Scurvy symptoms and remedy
Scurvy symptoms and remedy
A bit About Scurvy
It is not enough if you have been taking an ideal amount of vitamin C. Apart from it, it is also required that the amount of vitamin C must also get absorbed properly in the body. Thus, it is not necessary that taking enough amount through fresh fruits and vegetable keeps you away from this disease, but it plays a crucial role to protect you from this disease. Scurvy symptoms and remedy
It is required to go to the doctor in order to get treatment otherwise it may lead to serious problem. Though a number of people get die because of this disease. But the great thing is that it can be treated very easily.
Generally, it occurs with the people who do not love eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Apart from it, those who are alcoholic may also go through this disease. Though it is a very rare disease but still patients of scurvy can be found. It also occurs in infants who are on poor diets. Avoiding the intake of Vitamin C is the major cause of Scurvy.
Symptoms Of Scurvy
There are many points, which you must keep in your mind to know if you are suffering from Scurvy –
- Appetite Loss Scurvy symptoms and remedy
- Poor Weight Gain
- Feeling all the time tired and low
- If you feel pain in your limbs
- the appearance of red-blue spots on your skin
- Diarrhoea
- Rapid Breathing
- fever Irritability
- Tenderness
- Discomfort In Legs
- Swelling Over Long Bones
- Bleeding
- feeling Of Paralysis
Not only this, when the disease progressed it may lead to bleeding of the gums, loosened teeth, petechial hemorrhage of the skin, mucous membranes, bleeding in the eye, protruding eyes, a skin disorder, etc. It is required to mention that one should go for treatment if find any of the above mentioned symptoms otherwise it may lead to severe jaundice. Scurvy symptoms and remedy
What To Eat To Prevent Scurvy
There is a wide array of which is loaded with a great amount of Vitamin C like Oranges, Lemons, Blackcurrants, Guava, Kiwifruit, Papaya, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Carrots, Bell peppers, Broccoli, Potatoes, Cabbage, Spinach, Paprika, Liver and Oysters. You must add them in your diet to stay away from this disease. These fruits are easily available in the market and not need to go through any sorts of hassles to find out them.
Treatment for Scurvy
Before treatment, the individual/patient has to undergo the physical test to diagnose if you are suffering from Scurvy. To check out the vitamin C levels, laboratory test will be organised. Apart from it , radiological procedures may also conduct to figure out what damage Scurvy has done. It can be cured easily by adding the amount the of vitamin C. You just need to take care of diet if you are taking vitamin C or not. You doctor may give vitamin C either orally or via injection. It is considered that orange works a lot to speed up the recovery.
Home Remedies
It is essential to know that treatment of scurvy is not only limited to medicines alone. If one takes home remedies, it also helps a lot to get rid of this disease. Here we are going to share the best home remedies that address this problem in an effective manner. Some of the best home remedies have been mentioned below. Let’s check it out.
- Lemon – In summer, we all love to drink lemon juice to get relaxed. But do you know a glass fill with tasty lemon juice is loaded with the intake of vitamin C. What you need to do is add a teaspoon of honey in order to make it more effective. Lemon is also considered for holding a great value in the area of nutrition.
- Gooseberry –It is also rich in vitamin C. You may take in the form of powder. You just need to take a table spoon of Gooseberry along with the milk. This procedure you need to repeat three times in a day.
- Potatoes – You may not believe but Vitamin C is also found in potatoes too. It is required to add that 100 mg of potatoes is known to contain as much as 17 mg of vitamin C. Scurvy symptoms and remedy
Apart from it, one need to add fresh fruit and vegetable in his/her diet oozing with vitamin C like grapes, oranges, Guava, Kiwi fruit, Strawberry etc. The patient need to consume fresh vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and green peppers. They are very helpful to treat and serve great relax to you. For children, it is very beneficial if given mixed cow’s milk and breast milk both to the child. It diminish the chance of disease scurvy.
Not only for Scurvy, but taking intake of vitamin C is also helpful in order to stay away from cancer. Apart from it, Vitamin c is also play a wide role to build up a strong immune system. It also keep you very healthy and younger.
So, what are you waiting for? You just need to pay attention over your diet in order to stay away from this disease. It is not tough to add Vitamin C as it is available in the form of fruits. And if you are a workout freak then it is great. Doing exercise helps a lot to observe the taken amount of vitamin C.
How this information was? If it was helpful for you? Do not forget to share your advice with us. We have been waiting for your valuable advice. Scurvy symptoms and remedy
Stay fit and healthy by Adding regular workout and fresh fruits…
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