Dark Circle…two words that enough to haunt anyone. No one wishes to get affected by Dark circles as it does not let you look good. To put simple words, it makes you look like tired and lethargic. To look energetic and active, it requires to have face free from dark circles. It does not matter if you are men or women since it can affect the both.
06 Home ingredients to get rid of dark circles

There can be many reasons behind having the dark circles including stress, a disturbed lifestyle, hormonal changes, lack of sleep, hereditary and so on. But if not administered on time, they will not only dull your overall look the can also cause serious health issues. 06 Home ingredients to get rid of dark circles
Although chemical based products help in getting rid of them, but if you switch to home remedies, it helps you a lot. Here, we are going to cite the name of the popular home ingredients which are quite helpful to get rid of this. Let’s check it out. 06 Home ingredients to get rid of dark circles
First, Let us know the prominent reasons behind having the dark circles.
There are several reasons why you may get those dark circles under your eyes. some of them are written below:
- Lack of sleep or exhaustion– If you are skipping your sleep that means you are inviting it to you. Do not forget to take the great sleep as it keeps you away from getting affected from dark circles. Apart from it, having enough sleep also keep jazzing your mood. 06 Home ingredients to get rid of dark circles
- Too much rest – Though getting enough sleep is good but never go for oversleeping as it can be another reason to receive the dark circles. 06 Home ingredients to get rid of dark circles
- Genetics – Sometimes, it also happens because of Genetic reason. If your mother or father have already dark circle, there are strong changes to get to you too. 06 Home ingredients to get rid of dark circles
- Stress – Stop taking rest as it is not going to help but can lead towards dark circle problems. Instead of taking too much stress, you need to go of eating healthy food.
- Thin skin under your eyes – if you the under-eye skin is not that much healthy as it should be then it may also be another reason for having the dark circle. 06 Home ingredients to get rid of dark circles
Apart from the above mentioned, there could be some other reasons to have the dark circle. Here, we are going to mention the prominent home ingredients that can help you to get rid of it.
So how do we fight them? How do we look fresher and most of all how do we even out our complexion?
For all of you who have physical problems, whether it is the weakness, irregular lifestyles or bad diet, you know correctly how to change it. Lessen stress in your life by combining meditation, yoga or even a hobby at least three times a week into your life. This will improve the way you look and feel. Other than this below is a simple list of 06 home ingredients the get rid of dark circles.
- Cucumber – First, it is easily available in the kitchen and you do not need to put extra efforts to get it. In summer, we all love eating it. But do you know it is quite helpful to get rid of dark circles too. Not only this, cucumber is quite good for health. So if you are questioning how to get rid of dark circles fast, put sliced cucumber in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Take them out and put them on your dark circles. Leave for 10 minutes prior to cleaning with cold water. You’ll feel that your eyes have cleansed up instantly.
- Tomatoes – Apart from enhancing the taste of the food, Tomato is also used to ignite the beauty. To chuck the dark circle, Tomato is good to opt. It brings your good skin out and let you make you feel great.
All you have to do is mix one teaspoon of tomato juice and a teaspoon of lemon juice and put it under your eyes.
Let it be like this for about 10 minutes and then, wash it off with water. Do this remedy at least twice a day.
On a daily basis, also drink tomato juice blended with some lemon juice and mint leaves in order to get rid of dark circles quickly.
- Grated potatoes – Your kitchen is just stuffed with too many things to enhance your beauty and potato is one of them. Grate some raw potato and pluck the juice of the same. Now with the help of cotton ball, soak it in the potato juice. Close your eyes and put these cotton balls on your eyes. Make sure they cover the entire area of the dark circles under your eyes as well as the eyelids with the cotton balls. Leave it on for 10 minutes before washing it off with cold water.
- Cold tea bags – Another easy technique to get rid of the dark circles is by using cold tea bags. Soak a tea bag preferably a green or chamomile tea bags in water. Cool it by placing it in the freezer for a while. Now, put them over your eyes. Use this remedy on a daily basis to see a considerable difference.
- Almond Oil – This one also easily available thing. Almonds are packed with vitamin E and its oil is as an emollient which helps in getting the skin supple. With no animosities, this – how to get rid of dark circles, routine is easy to do. Just apply some almond oil on your dark circles and gently massage. Just Leave your eyes with the nourishments of almond oil overnight and wash it next morning.
- Rose Water – Rose water helps in restoring skin and is well known for its beauty qualities. Rose water can also be used to get rid of dark circles. Just soak cotton balls in rose water and put them on the dark circles. Leave it like this for 15 minutes and wash with cold water later. Do this every night for a month for best results.
So, what are you waiting for? It is time to head to kitchen and use all these things to get the glow on your skin.
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