07 easier way to wake up in the morning

07 eaiser way to wake up in the morning
07 eaiser way to wake up in the morning

There’s nothing more frustrating than waking to the loud and harsh sounds of an alarm clock early in the morning. If you only had 2 more hours to sleep. Our fast-paced lives frequently mean we are lighting the candle at both ends. Most of the time, we go to bed too late and hit the snooze button all time, leaving just adequate time to dash to work or school. Did you know that specialists are finding that sleep deprivation could be connected to obesity, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, depression and heart attacks07 easier way to wake up in the morning

07 easier way to wake up in the morning

07 easier way to wake up in the morning
07 easier way to wake up in the morning

You know that waking up early is one of the guaranteed ways to be more productive. You know that many of the world’s most prosperous entrepreneurs are early risers.

However, no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to stop hitting snooze.

You don’t have to let productivity slide through your hands forever. Here’s how to finally wake up earlier:

GET UP JUST ONE MINUTE EARLIER (EACH DAY) – Setting your alarm doesn’t always mean you’ll rise earlier. If you find yourself continually hitting “snooze” until your normal wake-up time, your body probably needs time to adjust. 07 easier way to wake up in the morning

Instead of a 5 a.m. wake-up right away, set your alarm one minute earlier every second day till you’ve reached your goal.

For instance:

  • Current wake-up time: 6:30 AM
  • Goal: 5:45 AM
  • Tomorrow: 6:29
  • Two days later: 6:28
  • Another two days later: 6:27

In a month, you’ll be able to wake up 15 minutes earlier and hardly notice. You’ll have made it so easy you can’t say no. 07 easier way to wake up in the morning

It’ll take longer to reach your goal, but taking a few months to develop the habit is better than never building it at all.

MOTIVATE YOURSELF BY FOLLOWING SMALL WINS – Waking up at 5 a.m. surely gives you a lot of extra quiet hours to get things done, but if your usual wake-up time is 8:30 a.m., you won’t succeed at waking up at 5 a.m. right away. 07 easier way to wake up in the morning

Consider financial specialist Dave Ramsey’s debt snowball method of reimbursing the smallest debt first. Some dispute that the indebted should focus on debts with the highest interest rate.

This is logical as you’ll save more money, but we’re not motivated by logic.

Dave Ramsey’s method makes small wins, which are motivating. This illustrates why we can lose weight easier after we’ve lost one pound. Progress boosts us to continue. 07 easier way to wake up in the morning

Rather than relying on logic and setting a goal of waking up two hours earlier, first try half an hour earlier. When you attain that goal, you’ll have made a small win. 07 easier way to wake up in the morning

You can re-visit your wake-up time after you’ve reached your first goal, but you must know how to walk before you can run. 07 easier way to wake up in the morning

USE PEER PRESSURE TO WAKE UP ON TIME – Set a meeting with another early riser first thing in the morning. 07 easier way to wake up in the morning

This is useful because:

  • When your alarm clock is the only thing counting on you to wake up early from a comfy bed is more compelling.07 easier way to wake up in the morning
  • Put something at stake—your status as somebody who follows through.
  • It uses physiological signals; studies have shown that when we have something urgent to do at a certain time, our bodies will wake us up naturally. That’s why you wake up right before your alarm if the task is relevant enough. 07 easier way to wake up in the morning
  • It creates responsibility; you won’t want to let them down.


You’re far more likely to hold with a habit if you direct your environment. For example, you’re more apt to exercise if your gym clothes are set out.

Here is how you can direct your environment to wake up early:

  • Put your alarm clock opposite side of the room so you have to get up to turn it off.
  • Set your coffee on a timer so it’s prepared when you wake up.
  • Put out a warm robe before bed so you can easily access it when you get out of bed.


What actions are you taking that cause you to fail? Examine exactly what you’ve previously tried to wake up earlier:

  • What steps have you taken?
  • Why did they fail?
  • What could have been done otherwise?

If I’ve already tried setting my alarm but didn’t get out of bed just because the house was cold, I could have expected that issue and set out a robe and slippers the night before.


  • What’s your idea for your extra time when you master the way of waking up earlier?
  • Have you recognized the impact of that vision on whether you follow through?
  • If your morning idea is to run when you wake up, but you don’t like running, you associate early rising with something obnoxious.

Change sticks when it’s linked with something pleasant. Plan to do something you like during your early mornings. When your early-morning plan incorporates something you’re excited about, that snooze button stops seeing so much action.

if your purpose doesn’t sound exciting, you’ll always see waking up early as a penalty, which won’t cause you to jump out of bed when your alarm goes off.


Did you know that your strife with rising early has a lot to do with self-belief? Convincing yourself that you’re “not a morning person” is a limiting view.

  • Changing your self-belief from I’m not a morning person to I’m the type of person who always wakes up early subtly alters your behaviour as self-belief is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • Waking up early won’t be simple for your first few weeks. Your body requires time to adapt to this new routine.
  • But just think: you’re so close to becoming more productivity—to getting projects done whilst the rest of the world sleeps—with no obstructions or distractions.

And once you get adapted to your new schedule, you’ll be in the club of early risers. And you’ll never go back to being not a morning person.

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Nandini Singh is from Delhi and holds a graduate degree in Mass Communication from Delhi University and Post-Graduation in Political Science from IGNOU. She is working as a Freelance Content Writer. Nandini joined Jiyo Pal Pal since this web portal covers her area of interest. Though, she have already written a myriad of articles revolving around educational, e-commerce, motivational, religious sites, but Jiyo Pal Pal attracted her a lot since it believes in pampering creativity and innovative ideas. Being a Content Writer, she will keep you serving something unique and enthralling regarding various topics such as Life Style, Festival, and Temple Darshan etc. She is feeling grateful to be a part of Jiyo Pal Pal family.

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