These days weather is getting too weird. sometimes, it is heavy rain and then scorching sun. All these thing lead to healthy issues. Today we are going to talk about seasonal Allergies. Yes!!! These days this kind of issues are raising a lot and that is why you need to be a bit aware. Let’s check it out. 07 Reason of seasonal allergies
A Bit About Seasonal Allergies

Allergies have high level of physical sensitivity resistant responses to any material that enters or associates with the body, such as pollen, bees stings etc. Allergens are defined as the substance which causes an allergic response. These are found in eatables, drinks and natural habitat.Majority of the allergens does not harm human beings. But if you are allergic to certain food, drugs or even pollens then your immunity system plays its role and try to fight with these substances and try to eradicate from your body.Let’s go through the following are the reasons for seasonal allergies:-
07 Reason of seasonal allergies
- Genetic Factors:-The allergies are said to be transmitted genetically or hereditary from the parents to their children, this allergy is very acute. It is estimated that even twins shall persist this same allergy 80 % of the time. Unfortunately if both the parents are allergic to the same thing or eatable, than utmost care should be taken of their children to prevent them to get allergenic as it can be very harmful for the child.
- Environmental Factors:-It is found that people residing in the urban and nearby industrialized area is more prone to get allergenic by the polluted air than the people living in the rural areas, where there is low percentile of air pollution. If you are going out, then cover your face so dust particles will not get in through eyes, nose and mouth. These days masks are also available. There are variety of masks and you need to choose the right one according to your choice. 07 Reason of seasonal allergies
- Flora & Fauna Factors:-If you are allergenic to certain kind of pollen which is produced by flowers and trees then you should avoid visiting such places as you might get infected and you may have cough or severe fever as well. Yes!!! It sounds a bit weird but it is true. Some people are quite sensitive and they get affected easily.
- Stress Factors:-We never think that stress or depression can also stimulates the chances of having seasonal allergies. So the best way to stay un – infected be happy and don’t take unnecessary tensions which make your mind and body weak which makes your body an easy prey to allergies.
- Food Factors:-There are a number of food which cause allergic responses- products made from cow’s milk, soybean, eggs, brinjal, peanut, fish etc. sometimes the cereal or baby powder can also have allergic reactions to the infants. It is advised that before feeding any food items to your baby and children do consult the doctor, as there are few items which should not be consumed in a specified weather. For ex- it is advised by the doctors not to intake spinach or any leafy vegetables in the time of rainy season, these might lead you to stomach infections and skin allergies as well. 07 Reason of seasonal allergies
- Medications Factors:-Medicines can also cause seasonal allergies, for example you might have got infected and from any means and your whole body is allergenic. Before having medicine on your own, consult your doctor once. Avoid taking medicine on your own as it may lead to severe health issues as well. Maximum people consume penicillin, which is best medicine to fight any bacterial diseases, but 10 % of the people complain that they are allergic to this medicine. So kindly consult a conductor before consuming any medicine, you might end up having the wrong medicine which might react to your body.
- Dermatitis:-This is the allergy found in the people who are infected by consuming latex. It is also found that people who have latex allergy also are allergenic to avocado, kiwifruit, and chestnut.
So, what are you waiting for? It is time to bring a bit change to your life and have a healthy life. Do not forget to visit doctor if symptoms resist. Stay Connected With Jiyo Pal Pal… 07 Reason of seasonal allergies