Want to get fat, ruin a romantic relation, maybe lower your chance of getting pregnant if you’re trying and might want to shorten your life expectancy? Grab the remote. Click away to see how watching television, especially prolonged viewing, can harm your health and reduce your quality of life. Not just sitting that cause the damage. It’s what we watch, too, from the influence of TV romance on real-world love to ads that make us crave to pig out.
07 Reasons why watching TV excessively is bad for your health

Many people all over the world have become addictive to watching the television. It is necessary to sit back and look at the health effects of TV on your life. You will find that you need to reduce the number of hours you spend with your remote switching from one channel to another. 07 Reasons why watching TV excessively is bad for your health
Life is meant to be lived, not watched. To get started living your own life instead of watching others live theirs, consider its impact on your life. 07 Reasons why watching TV excessively is bad for your health
So here are 7 reasons why watching TV can be very bad for your health
1. Risk Being Diabetic and Obese – A close survey of individuals who waste a lot of time on TV showed that they eat a lot of fast food. You may notice yourself taking a lot of fat that is not good for your health.
You will infrequently come across a TV lover who has the time to make a balanced diet. Instead, you would use that time to sit in front of your screen. To make things worse, you don’t have time for exercise.
It suggests that you eat a lot of fatty foods and take no action to burn the excess. You will admit it with me that TV lovers have a high susceptibility to obesity than other people.
A mix of fast foods with the lack of exercises increases your chances of growing obese and diabetic. Some recent study reveals that every four hours you spend on your TV increases your odds of getting diabetic by 3.4 percent.
Andrea Kriska, an epidemiologist in his study, centered on tracking TV watching to the time people spend sitting. He did not worry about what the people were watching, but the time people apply to watching TV.
In his conclusions, the more time you spend on TV, the more you boost your chances of getting diabetic.
2. Leads to Early Deaths – A research of young people exposed that watching lots of Television ended in premature deaths. The research that was issued in the American Heart Association Journal states that people who watch TV for more than three hours a day had a higher risk of dying within the following eight years follow-up.
Individuals who watched the TV for less than one hour a day had higher chances of staying more years. It’s prudent to watch less TV if you want to live longer. 07 Reasons why watching TV excessively is bad for your health
3. TV Denies you sleep – As a human being, your body demands enough sleep and rest. Over-concentration on TV denies your body the possibility to unwind by cutting into your cherished sleep time. You may end up being exhausted and stressed for the better part of the day.
In fact, it’s expedient to move your TV from the bedroom. You also need to restrain yourself when it comes to sleep time. You can receive more health complications from fatigue.
4. It Can Lead to Raised Aggression – Kids always internalize everything they see on the TV and video games. There is a close connection between aggression, desensitization to violence and use of violent media. Exposure to violence affects children in various ways. 07 Reasons why watching TV excessively is bad for your health
Children tend to affirm violence as a result of pre-exposure through media. TV may make kids grow as aggressive adults who are not good for the community. 07 Reasons why watching TV excessively is bad for your health
5. TV Can Head you to Depression – There is a lot of obscurity and loneliness that comes with TV watching. Watching TV for a prolonged time is harmful as it can lead to depression. Though there are sitcoms and many programs that can light up our mood, it’s diverse than what we usually think of.
Remember you will not have adequate time to interact with people and share your problems out. It’s prudent to create time for friends if you want to eliminate some stresses in life.
6. Television Can Exploit the First Words of your Children – Television and new technology such as Smartphones can be very terrible for your kids. Letting your children watch Television before they attain the age of 2 years influences their language development. According to David, L. Hill, parents should avoid indulging their children using TV programs. 07 Reasons why watching TV excessively is bad for your health
7. Wastage Of Your Valuable Time – Watching TV for a long time consumes lots of your precious time that you might utilize in something good like workout or studying or discovering the world. Life short so don’t waste it by sitting on a couch and watching TV all day.
It is not clear specifically why spending more time watching TV may be associated with worse cognitive performance later in life. One theory is that television viewing is not a cognitively engaging way of spending time.
Mostly the health problem occurs in the people who are addicted to watching a lot of TV and don’t exercise much may have other unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as a poor diet, which might also add to their worse cognitive function, she said. It is quite obvious that watching TV for a long time is dangerous to your health. It’s desirable to reduce the number of hours you spend on TV if you want to lead a long healthy life.
Now when you all know the watching TV excessively is bad for your health. You might want to change your TV watching schedule. In the end here is what you can do to get rid of this TV addiction:
- Grow a hobby
- Spend time with your friends and family
- Reading is a good option
- Try and do some exercise
At first you might find it hard to do anything other than watching TV but your life is the most precious thing that you have, so don’t waste it. 07 Reasons why watching TV excessively is bad for your health