We are in Digital world and use different type of social sites to remain connect with our dear and near ones. Some are busy on Fbook or some are busy on Twittering search on Twitter. There are seven major social media people generally use are Fbook ,Twitter, Instagram, Google, WhatsApp, Skype and Flicker. After going thru this article you will understand the things you should never share on social media.
Facebook and WhatsApp has already made a great buzz and has become the most sought after social site. Though we keep sharing a number of things but have you ever contemplated what kind of things you must not share on it. Let’s have a look….
07 Things You Should Never Share On Social Media

Individuals turn to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, WhatsApp, Skype, Flicker,mainly to stay connected to people despite their busy schedules or, in some cases, their complete lack of interest in maintaining a real, physical friendship with people they’re only forced to communicate with. A Fbook account also allows us to show ourselves through photo Posts and Videos. 0
This might be helpful feature for releasing stress and reaching an audience. We always tend to forget that the Internet is not just a gruff mistress, but also the home of millions of ruthless cyber-trolls. That is proficient of doing things with your private info that you probably never imagined. Now to become too easy to search thrift store like filpkart and Amazon on Internet. twittering search
Therefore, it helps to keep a few things in mind when posting on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Flicker or Twittering on Twitter to be more specific, it is helpful to make a list of things you SHOULDN’T post online. Following are seven such things. proxy sites websites
Things You Should Never Share On Social Media
- Complaints about your work or job – Do a Google search for “fired because of Fbook” and you’d get an absurd number of news articles, lists, and even screen caps. The use of social media through work hours is highly inhibited and even completely prohibited by many companies and with good reason – how can you be productive if you’re wasting time waiting for people to Like or Comment on your status post. Now you might be thinking what about posting about work when you’re not at work?
Well, it’s still a bad idea. Assuming that some of your contacts might be (or most likely are) your co-workers, it might not accurately be a good move to post about how much you hate your job a the environment in which you are working. After all, if you were the boss of the organization you work for, you presumably wouldn’t be too keen to keep a whiny employee on the payroll, not only because whiny people are usually irritating, but also because said employee’s complaints might be damaging to your brand name. satt is king
- Vacation plans and current location – Telling your friends through Fbook post about your vacation plans out of excitement is one thing, and it’s another thing entirely to do that just to brag about it and spite other individuals who can’t go on a luxurious vacation like you. As it turns out, both case of posting about your vacation plans is a big no-no. According to the police department in Philadelphia, posting about your vacation plans only opens you to being spotted by crooks who’d definitely love to gain the benefit from the fact that you are about to leave your home unguarded (and your valuables are available for the picking).
Posting and sharing private information on your social media accounts only exposes you to a world of potential harassment and stalking. The popular app Foursquare tells your current location to your friend’s list and, while this might be a cute and seemingly naive feature, it also unavoidably allows other people to follow you around – even the ones you don’t want to spend time with. Your home addresses and business phone numbers are no exception, too; it has Fbook that, even with almost tight profile security, your contact information can still be stolen from right under your nose by Cheaters. 07 things you should never share on social media
- Scientific claims and facts that a little analysis can easily demystify – It has been said another account time to time that truth is stranger than fiction, and every once in a while you’d come across something either so important or so unbelievably crazy that you end up thinking it (1) just HAS to be true and (2) definitely NEEDS to reach as many people as possible. Before sharing any derived information that shows itself as fact, it would be helpful to visit Websites such as snopes.com. Not only would it stop you from offering to an already rumpled chain of lie-sharing, it would also make you feel brisker (and finally better about yourself).
- Password Clues – If you’ve got online accounts, you’ve apparently answered several different security questions, revealing your bank or other account your elementary school, Mom’s maiden name, favourite song, the name of your best friend, first phone number or pet’s name. There are chances you got that same stuff on the information page of your Fbook account ? You’re giving crooks an easy way to break your passwords. So be careful from all such Cheaters.
- Drinking photos of friends and yourself – No matter if you are single and in college or happily married with two kids, you might want to pitch it down on the drinking. While some took an odd picture of you and your golfing buddies having a beer might be OK, a never-ending stream of photos showing you with a drink in your hand might influence people to think that, well, you regularly have a drink in your hand! And be particularly careful if you are in college. Everybody knows about the weekend drinking but dozens of pictures of you with your drunken pals reflects a poor message to everyone, including parents and partner.
- Nude or Explicit content of you – I don’t think any wise person as of this modern time will go on social media to post their nudes pictures or Sexy Video (Naked pictures), particularly someone who wants to make a personality and be recognized later in the future. 07 things you should never share on social media
Even if you think that your privacy and protection is super tight remember Fbook could be easily hacked by people who possess the proper knowledge and all those pictures could partner to people you don’t want it to be showed too – Your parents and friends as examples. I read a short funniest joke on another social media site, twittering that said: “All these girls posting their Sexy pictures online on social media, I hope you know describing to your parents that your bride price is no more than a bottle of soft drink won’t be hard”. 07 things you should never share on social media
- Don’t post someone else’s big news – We know you must be super excited because your sister is pregnant, but don’t you dare be to post about it first. Let her tell her happy news in the way she wants to do it, after all, it is her special time. 07 things you should never share on social media
So, there is a BIG NO for all these above mentioned things. If you have been sharing all this, you need to put a full stop over it. Because of there are lot of proxy websites using by cheaters to use personal information. sexy video ,twittering search
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