Love is the world’s most lovely feeling and everyone wish to go through this. It is being said that one having true love is considered the happiest person. The most amazing feeling in the world is to fall in love. When you are in love, you feel as if you are on cloud nine. Being in love is a unique and wonderful feeling which cannot be compared to any another feeling in the world. There are times when we are unsure that whether we are really in love or not. We keep on wondering day and night that is what we are feeling really love? 07 Ways to know you are really in love
07 Ways to know you are really in love

No need to contemplate a lot as we have answer of your confusion. To help you get out of this dilemma, we will list here 7 simple and obvious ways with the help of which you’ll know whether you’re really in love or not. So, if you want to ensure if you are in love or not, then you should know these 7 ways. It is time to get embarked on a lovely journey to make sure if you are in love or not. 07 Ways to know you are really in love
07 Ways To Know You’re Really In Love
- You love to spend time with them – Hey!!! There is first thing. Do you really love spending time with that special one? If you feel really comfortable in their company and you actually feel happy and blessed, then you are surely falling in love. The best way to know whether you love that person is if you want to spend as much time as you can with them. According to the study, we love the company of that one whom we love from depth of the heart. 07 Ways to know you are really in love
- Their happiness matter more than your own – If you are thinking about his or her happiness before your own happiness while doing something, then you are definitely in love with that person. When we start caring for another person more than we care for ourselves, then undoubtedly that feeling is known as love. It is all about care and selflessness. When we are in love, we compromise with our happiness just to see that one happy and satisfied. You have this same feeling for someone, Yes you are in love with that one.
- They make you feel safe and protected – If you can truly be your own self with that person and you feel safe in their company, then also you are in love. If there is someone who makes you feel protected and safe when they are around, then surely that person loves you. Yes!!! It is a kind of great feeling that cannot be explained in words. When you are with someone, you feel good and protected. You feel like good from inside. Having true love makes you good from inside. 07 Ways to know you are really in love
- You are emotionally connected to them – If you emotionally get connected to a person and share your emotions and feelings with that person, then this means that you love that person. Trust is the basic foundation of love, only when we trust someone then only we can love them. If you love talking every time to them, it is confirmed that you are quite emotionally connected to that one. You will good sharing emotional things to him/her and it makes you at peace. 07 Ways to know you are really in love
- You love to imagine your future together – If you have started imagining your future with him or her, then you are in love with that individual head over heels. The most obvious way to know whether you love him or her is if you see a future together in the long run. So, if you are able to imagine a happily together future, then it’s surely love. According to the study, people who are in love imagining their future together as it boosts up their confidence. 07 Ways to know you are really in love
- You want your family and friends to meet them – Yes!!! This is the next thing on the list. If you wish to take your relationship to the next level, you will never mind to make possible to meet your special one to family and friends. If you are really looking forward to get your friends and family meets the person you are seeing these days, then you are in love because we only do that when we really love someone a lot. If you are feeling like same then you are in love. 07 Ways to know you are really in love
- You are over-the-moon with that person – If there is someone who makes you feel so happy that you cannot even handle, then you should never let this person go. So, if he or she makes you feel very happy as if you are on cloud nine, then that’s love. If you are keep text messaging in mid night and mostly get forget time, it is indicating that you are in love. Do you also take office off especially to meet that one? If your answer is yes, you are in love. We all know that we cannot skip our office as it is all about our career. But if you do kind of this compromise, it shows you love that on a lot and can do sacrifice. There is one thing also which we did not add in these points. If you keep planning that what you will do on his birthday to make it special, it shows that you are quite carting towards her/him and their birthday matters to you a lot.
Do try out these simple 7 ways to know you’re really in love with the person you are seeing these days. If you get answer is YES, it is indicating you are in love. Do not get late and express your love in a great way to let that special one know. How was the article? If it helped you? Do you want to share something? Please let us know your feedback and views as we love hearing from your side. Stay connected with Jiyo Pal Pal… Have a happy Reading…