We used to think that knowledge is innate. Some individuals have it, and others just don’t. The brain we’re carried is the one we’re stuck with for life. That couldn’t be removed from the truth.
10 activities you might not know can change your brain

New and improving tech in neuroscience is providing us deeper insight into the dark gray stuff inside our heads. It turns out, our brains are surprisingly powerful; we do things each single day that affects their structure and chemistry. 10 activities you might not know can change your brain
Below are ten of the ways that we can literally change our brains, for better or worse…
- Exercising – Physical movement and exercise is essential for obvious reasons. Though, exercise doesn’t just develop a healthier body. Recent research has revealed that physical exercise also benefits your brain.
Physical activity can grow your brain’s plasticity – a cerebral condition that affects memory, ability to learn, and the motor skills. 10 activities you might not know can change your brain
If that’s not sufficient to get out for a run, the study also shows that doing exercise release chemicals in the brain that make us feel content. 10 activities you might not know can change your brain
In short, you can say that exercise makes you smarter and happier at the same time. Seems like a win-win to me.
- Sleeping – Sleep is an indispensable activity that not even science can fully describe. We know that it’s therapeutic, everyone does it, and a deficiency of it can be absolutely bad. But researchers still try to understand why we sleep.
It surely isn’t an energy-saving method, as we only truly save roughly 50kCal over the course of an eight-hour sleep. Yet, going without sleep can make you grumpy, false memories and lead to memory loss, and, in severe cases, cause slurred speech and also brain damage. 10 activities you might not know can change your brain
If you’re not feeling on your toes at work or if you need some motivation, one of the most useful things you can do is find a cozy corner and take some rest. 10 activities you might not know can change your brain
- Meditating – Individuals have justified by meditation for millenary, and for good purpose. Meditation doesn’t just benefit you find emotional balance in your life – it really changes your brain.
Through meditation, we can become better at handling anxiety, stress, and possibly dangerous situations. Furthermore, the neural connections which grow powerful through meditation help develop empathy and kindness, particularly for individuals who are most unlike us.
So sitting still and try to focus on the present moment for just 15 minutes per day surely reduces stress and naturally makes you a better person overall. 10 activities you might not know can change your brain
- Drinking coffee – For centuries humans have engaged in the ritual of taking seeds, roasting them, crushing them up, and sheering the grounds in hot water for a quick jolt of energy.
Basically, when caffeine enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain and blocks the adenosine receptors. That’s what provides you the boost of energy and alertness, increased memory, and cognitive performance, increased focus and even enhanced accuracy of reactions.
To sum it up, coffee literally alters your brain chemistry, equipping you with that boost of energy and focus you need in the morning. But just like everything, it’s best in moderation.
- Reading – Ever feel yourself getting tidied away in a story, picturing yourself in the shoes of the protagonist and imagining the fictitious world around you? Getting lost in a book may have an enduring effect on your brain. 10 activities you might not know can change your brain
The study showed that readers could encounter something called embodied semantics. That’s the scientific way of saying that the brain connectivity during a thought, about action, it actually mirrors the connectivity that happens to the actual action. That indicates that imagining actions as you read about them can actually alter the connections in your brain. Pretty cool stuff. 10 activities you might not know can change your brain
- Listening to music – When some people need to truly focus, they try to find a place with total silence, but many turn on their music. For some people, music helps them to focus and makes a brain work with more accuracy.
- Wandering in nature – Walking in green spaces has been linked to improvements in mood, thought, and creativity. Now a recent research has given us some perspicacity into the neurological methods that might be creating these benefits.10 activities you might not know can change your brain
The fresh air helps your brain think properly and new innovative ideas get into the brain.
- Foods and Spices – The brain is a huge energy suck–it uses glucose way out of proportion to the rest of the body. In fact, it needs about 20% of the body’s energy resources. This is logical since thinking, learning, remembering and controlling the body are all enormous tasks are completed by our brain. But the quantity and source of the sugar matter: Having highly processed carbs, which break down instantly, leads to the famous spike-and-crash of blood sugar (which your brain certainly feels). But consuming whole, unprocessed foods leads to a slow but steady rise, and a more consistent source of energy–and it makes the brain much brighter.
- Vitamins and Minerals – Though there’s limited evidence that multivitamins do us much good, there are several vitamins that the brain needs to function. Vitamin B12 is one of the crucial vitamins for the function of the central nervous system, and lack this vitamin can lead to cognitive signs like memory loss. Vitamin D is also important for brain health and while there’s no causal link, low levels have been lead to cognitive decline. Iron is another mineral that the brain needs to function well (especially for females who are menstruating) since it helps in carrying oxygen. But like always supplements are certainly important for certain people.
- Education/Mental Activity – Staying mentally alert over the course of a lifetime, beginning with education, is bound to cognitive health–which tells why crosswords and Sudoku are considered to help cognition. Mental exercise may or may not keep a brain from growing disease (like Alzheimer’s), but it surely seems to be linked to some symptoms, since it fortifies us with what’s known as cognitive reserves. If you want to keep your brain active you can find some hobbies as hobbies are also considered good for brain development especially in children’s. Teaching new things to our brain everyday help it to grow better.