Have you ever heard that eating can make you lose weight? Sounds unbelievable right! But yes.. There are certain foods that trigger body metabolism and burn the excess fat stored in the body to help you shed that extra weight. These foods also work wonders in detoxification of your body and fulfill complete nutritional requirements of your body.

So here is the list of 10 foods that make you fitter as well as slimmer –
1.Avocado – Avocado is called as a triple fat burner since fats contained in this fruit are monounsaturated fat which stimulates other fat burning hormones. . Best if had in breakfast, avocado is a great metabolism booster protecting energy creating part of body cells from getting damaged. There are many ways of eating an avocado. It can be added to green salads or blended in a smoothie.

2.Coconut oil – Cooking in coconut oil instead of vegetable oil, pure ghee or butter is a small but a great change you could make in your day to day cooking. Fat contained in coconut oil does not get stores in our body, it rather gets used up in generating energy for our day to day activities by our body cells.

3.Cinnamon – Cinnamon is a wonder spice with multiple health benefits one of which is that it ensures lesser fat gets stored in our body. For cinnamon to show its fat burning properties, you must consume at least 1/4th teaspoon of it every day. You may add it to your coffee, smoothie, or sprinkle on other foods you eat.

4.Coffee – Having a cup of black coffee (yes! It has to be without milk) a day can effectively burn stored fats in our body. The caffeine content of coffee enables this fat burning process.

5.Watery fruits – The fruits that have water content in abundance such as watermelon, grapes, oranges etc. are lighter in calories. Also they suppress food cravings and make your tummy feel fuller.

6.Green tea – Having 3-4 cups of green tea, hot or cold, every day is a great metabolism booster for your body. Green tea contains EGCG which speeds up fat burning process in the body.

7.Dark chocolate – Having those sinful dark chocolates can actually get you slimmer. Dark chocolates have amazing stress busting capabilities. Stress is one of the prime reasons of sluggish body metabolism which leads to buildup of fats in body.

8.Sprouted beans – Sprouted beans are a superfood and an essential element of diet of everybody who is on a slimming and fitness program. They are rich in Vitamins A,B,C,E and also in minerals like iron, calcium and potassium. An added advantage is their negligible fat content.

9.Nuts – Not all but there are many nuts that contain good fat and also help you shed those bad fats stored by your body over a period of time. Almonds, pea nuts, brazil nuts, pistachios are few nuts that must be included in your daily breakfast. Besides breakfast, you can also pop them in small quantities with evening snacks or any other time of the day for that matter.

10.Oatmeal – Oats are grains loaded with fiber and have zero fat content. They can be cooked quickly and make a complete meal. They make your stomach feel fuller for a relatively longer time, hence cutting food cravings that often lead to high calorie intake.

Discussion2 Comments
Good Article !
Thanks Shweta.. I urge every overweight person to read this article and eat these fat burning foods.