Most often we get so engrossed in shaping and enhancing the beauty of our face that lowest part of our body, our feet get overlooked. However, it is essential to understand that maintaining and magnifying the hygiene as well as looks of our feet is equally important. It helps us a big deal in keeping ourselves active and comfortable across all ages. After all, clean and beautiful feet are happy feet which indirectly means a happy body!
Here are some essential, easy and do it yourself tips for footcare at home.

10 Footcare Tips you must follow
- Keep them clean – Wash and scrub them well every morning while you bathe. This will keep them free of any unnecessary dirt and dead skin, leaving them absolutely clean and soft.10 Footcare Tips you must follow
- Invest in a good moisturizer – Spending some money on a good foot cream is wise thing to do. You can even use some natural oils like coconut oil or mustard oil to moisturize them. in fact, the skin on our feet being thicker than that on rest of our body, some extra amount of moisturization could be required. This will keep them clean and plump. 10 Footcare Tips you must follow
- Dip them often – Dip them in lukewarm water for about 10-15 minutes once or twice every week. Besides being a great foot care tip, this is also an amazingly relaxing therapy too! 10 Footcare Tips you must follow
- Scrubbing them after dip is icing on the cake – scrubbing your feet with help of a nice foot scrub or even a body scrub does wonders to our feet. You could even use a pumice stone for a gentle massage after scrubbing. Applying moisturizer after scrub and massage is of supreme importance so make sure you do not skip on that.
- Allow them some healthy respiration – It is extremely crucial that your feet take in some fresh air so must remove your shoes and socks as soon as you get back home. If its winter, then change your socks and go for clean washed cotton socks. 10 Footcare Tips you must follow
- Never ever go to bed with dirty feet – Take a pledge! Am I sounding like an extremist? May be Yes! But this is the most vital foot care tip. In fact it is not only essential for healthy and happy feet but also for a sound sleep and overall health. 10 Footcare Tips you must follow
- Don’t keep your nails too long – Unshaped or broken nails do not only look unattractive but could even be troublesome. So trim your nails regularly. Don’t keep them too short as that too could be painful.
- Keep your nails without a paint occasionally – Your nails should be without a nail paint too every now and then. It will allow them a deeper cleaning and intake of oxygen and moisture. Keeping nails nude at times is a great way of keeping them healthy and shining. 10 Footcare Tips you must follow
- Make sure to wear well-fitted shoes – Though this is imperative for everyone but especially for those having long working hours and require wearing heels or stylish footwear. These shoes in all possible cases should be comfortable and well-fitting. 10 Footcare Tips you must follow
- Any infection or foot disease should be given priority – Since its your foot that has caught some infection or allergy does not mean that it does not require attention. Get it treated with an equal priority you would have given to your face! 10 Footcare Tips you must follow