Relationships are beautiful; being in a healthy relationship is one of the best things in life. In this world, it is almost next to impossible to find someone who loves you, respects you and care for you all at the same time. But if you are lucky enough to found the perfect love for you then let nothing take that love away from you. Love is the thing which we all need as it is the only feeling which can save us and destroy us isn’t it amazing. The purest form of love is cherished by one and all. 10 Signs your relationship is in trouble
10 Signs your relationship is in trouble

A perfect life is a mirage as it does not exist. We always feel that look those guys, they are so happy but it is just our perception, there may be a possibility that they must not be that happy or maybe they must be. Every relationship gets cold at times but you should know when to hold on and when to let go. Relationships require mutual compromise and respect. Not only you should respect each other opinions but lot more like personal boundaries and needs. Si10 gns your relationship is in trouble
If you find yourself suffering from these 10 signs then my friend your relationship is in trouble and you two need to talk about it. 10 Signs your relationship is in trouble
- Addiction:- We all think that only addiction which exists in this world is of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes but it is not true as there is lot more to it. Addictions can ruin the relationship completely and it can be in any form like excessive sexual desire, gambling, pornography, etc. These factors just ruin the bond two people have. A healthy relationship is must to live a healthy life. 10 Signs your relationship is in trouble
- Avoidance:- Never let anyone avoid you. Ignorance is the worst thing to suffer from. Nothing troubles as much as being avoided by the one you love. It is necessary to have someone who is ready to hear what you feel and deal with it. But avoidant people are never ready to hear about your feelings. Relationships can never exist if there is no communication between you and your lover. So, never settle for someone who avoids you.
- Rage:- The way person handles his or her emotions says a lot about them. The emotional management of that individual is highly disturbed if they often get raged on every little issue. Before you fall deeper into love, distance yourself. 10 Signs your relationship is in trouble
- Deceit:- A dishonest person is the one which should not be tolerated no matter how much you love them. Deceit is what you should not stand by; it is the thing which completely breaks the relationship. If you are in a relationship where you are cheated, lied continuously then my friend it is the right time to for running away.
- You can’t be what you are:- If you are in a relationship where you cannot be what you actually are then, you are doing no good to your poor soul. You do not open up with him or her as you are uncomfortable when they are around. You have a fear that they will make fun of you, ridicule you and embarrass you in front of others. The foundation of a healthy relationship is based on trust and it is the thing which can keep your love alive even after ages. There can be no meaningful intimacy between you and your partner if you can’t show your vulnerable sides to each other. 10 Signs your relationship is in trouble
- Arguments: – No one can deny the fact that every couple argues, no matter how much they love each other or trust each other. And there is no harm in arguing if you do not do it that often. But when things get over head then you need to do something about it. When you start calling each other with names and yelling, then your relationship is in danger. Healthy couples do not argue in this manner because they respect each other’s opinion. If you are too mad then take a break, do not talk as it can make the matter even worse. And later on when you cooled down then you can talk about it. 10 Signs your relationship is in trouble
- Abuse: – Abuse is not just done with words verbally; it is lot more than that. Any kind of misbehave like emotional, sexual, mentally, verbally or physically is an abuse. Gaining power over your lover by wrong means is completely wrong. If you are scared of your lover then you should not stay stuck in there, you need to move on. Never tolerate such kind of behavior as there is someone out there for you who will give you the love, you deserve. 10 Signs your relationship is in trouble
- No Personal Boundaries:- You need to deal with this problem up to an extent if you want to stay in the relationship. Both the person should respect and take care of each other’s boundaries. Lack of boundaries can ruin the love you share. Your significant other should not feel that he or she does not have any personal space. So, give them the enough space for blooming. 10 Signs your relationship is in trouble
- Controlling Nature:- Freedom is very necessary if you want to have a long term relationship. You need to lay your trust in your partner and let them do whatever they want to. Never stop them from flying. But if you realize that you are with someone who is way too controlling and never lets you do what you want then you are doing no good to your own self. Because if your lover does not understand that how important it is to follow the heart then there is a possibility that they have no idea what actually love is.
- Cannot do what you love:- You are in a relationship but you cannot do what you love then my dear you are with the wrong one. Never stop doing things you used to do when you were single because those are the things which makes you the real you. 10 Signs your relationship is in trouble
Never ever lose yourself in order to love someone else. You need to realize that you are lovable and perfect so, do not ever change the way you are if you do not want to. Embrace your beautiful wild soul and always be who you are.
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