Night is the perfect time to relax, to forget about all the good and bad , it’s the time to be with ourselves and to our very near and dear once. Its a modern era. Here everybody is very busy in their every day routine life style. From morning to evening everything is fully pre-planned and followed by us. In all this hectic schedule most of the time we forget to take care of our self, of our body as well as of our mind. To be successful and healthy at same time, the most important thing is to take care of our mind and body and night is the perfect time for that.
Here i am telling to some secrets to be healthy, wealthy, and relaxed. Just follow this little thing and you will automatically start feeling and seeing the change in yourself.
10 Things You Should Do Every Day before 10 PM
- Be Pure & Clean – A very famous quote is there saying, Healthy mind lives in healthy and clean body. So to keep your mind and body healthy make a simple habit of taking bath before sleeping everyday with little warm water. Warm water will help in reducing stress. 10 Things You Should Do Every Day before 10 PM
- Music – A light and plain music helps in making the mind stress free. Or music can be of your choice also but make sure you need relaxation not party. Music also makes us to forget the world and to lost in our self. You can follow the music with your favorite dance moves also. It will give to extra dose of happiness.
- Be Ready for Next Morning – Before sleeping you should always prepare yourself with the early morning things so that you do not always get up worrying about those things. Things like deciding the dress to wear and keep it on the top, preparing the basics for breakfast , arranging things you want in morning like purse, watch, shoes, etc. 10 Things You Should Do Every Day before 10 PM
- Talk to Someone Close – The best therapy is talk openly about each and everything with your loved one. They can be your friends, lovers, parents, or anyone else. You just need to share your complete day details , good and the bad etc with them. If you sleep with so many things in your mind, how will you able to sleep well. Therefore you should share them with your near and dear ones.
- Phone / Laptop / Tab Charge – You should always keep your phone/laptop/tab on charging before sleeping to make them full charged before morning. In today’s life they are the neediest thing without which we can’t even think of moving out from our home. So never forget to charge them on time.
- Read Books – A successful person always take time to read books. Books can be of your choice . They just help you to feel the other world and reading gives us the feel of improvements in our self. And as it’s also a saying that Books are the best friends. They will always bring good in you. So take 15 to 20 mins everyday to read books. If you follow this activity in routine, you will be able to see the change in yourself.
- Exercises / Meditation – A simple 10 min exercise or meditation is enough to make your in motion or in flow. It will make your body in movement. It’s a great method to get a good sleep.
- Drink Water – Drinking water is cure for 80% diseases. You should drink a good amount of water in whole day. And as you are going to sleep, you will not drink it for next 6 to 7 hrs. So before sleeping you should drink water. It also helps in good sleep. 10 Things You Should Do Every Day before 10 PM
- Overview the Day – Just give a brief overview to your day. What all you had done, what you had left, what good you had done etc . It will help you in summarizing your thing’s and to make them more perfect and planned for next day. 10 Things You Should Do Every Day before 10 PM
- Pray to God – Whether you believe in god or not, you should always take a 1 min time to thank them for all the things in your life. Thank because you are going to sleep in your bed. Some don’t have beds and some don’t have sleep in their eyes. 10 Things You Should Do Every Day before 10 PM