A decorated and well-managed house as per Vastu plays a wide role to fetch positivity to the house. The festive season is just about to start and we all are muddling over various points to make our house a bit more beautiful and stylish. It is required to understand that a house without Vastu may never be auspicious for you and that is why it is necessary to follow it. Here, we are going cite some of the very important Vastu tips to change the whole image of house. Let’s check it out.10 Vastu Tips for Your Home
10 Vastu Tips for Your Home

- Clutter Is Not Allowed – Who says that cleanliness is only required during the festive season? No, it is not actually. You must keep your house clean all the time. It is required essential to fetch the positive attention. As per Vastu, keeping home away from clutter is required pretty much essential. In this context, you need to pay attention over the stuff you have in your house. Make sure you are not accumulating a number of things in your house that you have not used for a year. It does not only diminish the positive waves from the house but also create a lot of confusions to you. It is easily understood that clutter can never be a reason to shower the positivity. In this connection, when you remove it, this thing does not only fetch the positivity but very helpful to make space for other important things as well. 10 Vastu Tips for Your Home
- If Your House Holds A Lot Of Sharp Edges – It is time to check out the home’s corner. You need to check out the home carefully before buying it. It is required to mention that a house having a lot of sharp edges is considered hold a tendency of attracting negative energies. There is a number of styles and patterns available to entertain you. There is no need that you will not get anything as per your taste. Next time, when you step out for buying the furniture, do not forget to keep this point in your mind.
- What About Your Bedroom – Yeah! The bedroom is a place where you get relaxed and enjoy the memorable moments of your life. Have you ever considered that your bedroom should be as per the Vastu? The Vastu of bedroom starts with soothing colours in your bedroom. Be it furniture, curtain or bed sheet, everything should be dipped in the soothing shades to rule over the heart within no time. Soothing colours plays a major role to strengthening the relationship between the couples. Apart from it, you must not install mirror or anything made of glass. 10 Vastu Tips for Your Home
- Things That You Should Not Place In Your House – There are a number of things that you must not place in your house. Let’s check it out. 10 Vastu Tips for Your Home
- Plant like cactus and other sorts of shrubs you should not place inside the house as they are not considered good. Actually, they have a tendency to attract negative vibes.
- Apart from it, never go for adding artificial cloth or plastic flowers or plants to decorate your house. Always go for decorating your house with the real flower.
- And the same thing is that you must not go along with the doorbells having unpleasant ring. You need to pay attention over it and select a kind of ring so it can lift up the mood of the occupiers.
- Electronic Gadgets At The Right Place – Yes!!! They also deserve a right place to bring positivity. First of all, it is required to mention that these kind of gadgets must not install in your bedroom. If you do not have much space then you must keep a safe distance from it. 10 Vastu Tips for Your Home
- What Is The ideal Direction Of The Bed –Never place your bed in a wrong direction otherwise, it will lead to problems. The wrong distance brings negativity to the house and for occupiers. You should place a bed in a way so, your head remain in the south or east direction. If you place furniture in the home then you should keep in mind that it should be in regular shape. It is also considered that wooden furniture brings harmony and prosperity to the home. You may take furniture having different shape like square, circular or rectangular.
- Have Some Water In A Pot – Do you know that having some water in a pot for the birds outside the home plays a major role to bring the prosperity to the house? Apart from it, you may place decorative water pot or aquarium as they are considered very good to fetch prosperity. Actually the running water is good for fetching the positive waves. When aquarium or water pot is installed, it starts spreading positive energy and stamina to the surrounding. 10 Vastu Tips for Your Home
- Never Add Dirty Cloth To Your Cupboard – If you wish to get overwhelmed with the positivity in your life, you need to follow this point. You must not go for adding dirty cloth in your cupboard. There are many people who keep dirty clothes inside their cupboard and wash them on a particular date. But you must not do this as it leaves a major negative effect on the house and its occupiers. 10 Vastu Tips for Your Home
- Change the Bad sheet – Never go along with the messy bed sheet making excuses that you do not have time to wash it. This thing is also considered very bad for the health of the house. To fetch positivity and wealth, always change the bed sheet when it gets dirty. You must change it twice or thrice in a week. It does not only give you great feelings but keep your healthy too. 10 Vastu Tips for Your Home
- Remove the broken Kitchen Item – Yup! If there is anything in your house has got broken but you have not removed it yet as you love it then you need to think twice. Your kitchen must be free from the broken and damaged items. Apart from it, you must not leave any clutter or broken item on the roof. Remove them as soon as possible. 10 Vastu Tips for Your Home
So, these things are considered great for pampering the dream house in a great way. You must not skip these Vastu tips to lead a happy and great life.
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