Feng Shui… how many of you have heard the name of it? Most of us know that it is all about something good luck charms. Are you a bit confused about it? You do not need to contemplate a lot as we are going to cover this topic here in a discreet manner emphasizing on various topic. Let’s check it out more about it.
13 Chinese Feng shui for Good luck charms

What is Feng Shui?
Before going through the rest mentioned content, it requires to know first the meaning of Feng Shui. It has been mentioned here. Let’s check it about it in a discreet manner. 13 Chinese Feng shui for Good luck charms
According to Chinese philosophy, Feng Shui controls the flow of positive energy for the benefit of our life. One should consider the Feng shui while making a new home and placing furniture or things because Feng Shui has a negative effect too. So, if you want to attract good luck and positive energy in your home as well as in life then you must properly understand the concept of Feng Shui. Once you get some knowledge about it you can use it for health, longevity, wealth, love, career etc. 13 Chinese Feng shui for Good luck charms
Why should you go with Feng shui?
If you want to enjoy great relationships and love, clear and healthy environment, healthy body and good habits, money and prosperity etc. then you should definitely consider Chinese feng shui. Plants play a very important role in Chinese Feng Shui. As we all know in how many ways plants can benefit our body. For home, workspace and scared space, plants are great choices for getting health air. Feng shui can add spark to your life and make your life so much enjoyable. As Chinese feng shui are proofed for attracting positive energy and good luck. This can make your life much easier and positive energy helps to get through the tough situation. All these benefits lead to the happy and successful life. Here, some of the best ideas have been mentioned below.
13 Chinese Feng shui Good luck charms
There are many feng shui that helps you to attract good luck charm and positive energy. But today we are going to tell you about most popular top thirteen Chinese feng shui. 13 Chinese Feng shui for Good luck charms
1. Lucky Horseshoe Charms – Black horseshoe is one of the popular and common Chinese feng shui. The main reason behind using this is to protect from bad luck and to attract good luck. It is truly one of the best and prestigious lucky charm feng shui. You may use this to keep the negative vibes away from your home or workplace. The market is brimmed with it so you would not face any issues. This is also good to gift to love one if you wish.
- According to the feng shui, Horseshoes have emerged as the most popular lucky superstitions as well as it is also considered to be one of the best good luck charms. The importance of this charm cannot be ignored since it holds great charm with itself to bring money and wealth to the person who possesses it.
- Having this feng shui means the negative energy and mischievous fairy would not stand around you. Actually, it shields the house and your workplace making it safe and secure.
- And this is why it is needed to go with a horseshoe was guaranteed to be lucky as it brings so much happiness to you and luck. If you are looking forward to giving something special to someone then this best to go without thinking about anything. 13 Chinese Feng shui for Good luck charms
2.The laughing Buddha – This Chinese feng shui is known all over the world for its tremendous power to attract good luck charm. We all heard about the laughing Buddha. It is also one of the commonest items people use to give each other as a gift on various occasions. It has great power to attract good luck as well as prosperity to the place we keep it. Yes!!! This is also quite common since many of us already know about it. There is a variety of range of laughing Buddha available in different size, shape, and pattern.
- The significance of laughing Buddha is that it brings a lot of positivity to you and makes the environment full of great energy. The laughing Buddha is also considered the best to gift.
- This is not only popular installing at home but known widely for placing at the workplace. It is being said that it works a lot when it is gifted to you by someone special.
- If you have been hunting the best gift to send your blessings to someone, this is the right one to choose. And you must go ahead with this. There is a great variety of Laughing Buddha available in the market. You may choose the right one according to your choice.
3.Lucky Bamboo – It is highly recommended feng shui if you want to add luck and charm in your life. The lucky bamboo tree is another well-known Chinese feng shui. This can be used in kind of space weather small space and large. You can easily find a lucky bamboo tree in the gift shop, it is available in the different size you can go according to your need. But lucky Bamboo requires some time to maintain it in good shape and structure.
- Lucky Bamboo would also be right to buy since it adds beauty to the place where you install this.
- This is an ideal thing to gift your loved ones if you want.
- Lucky Bamboo brings a lot of happiness and positivity to your home or workplace wherever you place it.
- Moreover, it promotes greenery. When you place it in your room or workplace, this makes you get filled with positivity.
4.The Lucky Cat – The lucky cat is most recommended feng shui when someone wants success in the field of business and career. It is also one of the cutest feng shui, you can get. There is a variety of lucky cat available in the market having a different shade. Each shade holds its own significance mentioned below –
- Calico: This is one of the Traditional colors which is highly considered to be the most fortunate
- White: Talking about the white one, it is known for happiness, virtue, and positive things to come
- Gold: if you are going with Gold shade, it is known for wealth and success as well.
- Black: and the black shade is considered for warding off the evil spirit.
- Red: Do you wish to get success in relationships and love, and then you may go with a RED shade.
- Green: and for having good wellbeing, you should go with a green shade.
You may consider these colors while buying your lucky charm as it will help you to go with the right one. Each color holds its own importance. And you should choose the right one accordingly. You may also gift it to someone special whom you want to send your best wishes. Do check out the online collection to pick the right one.
5.Dzi Beads – Anyone can enjoy good luck charm with the help of Dzi Beads. There are so many marking present on Dzi Beads. But one of the common marking on Szi beads is of an eye. In Chinese mythology, the eye is represented as vigilance and it is the also the symbol of power in ancient time.
- Yes!!! This is true that DZI Beads are considered quite auspicious and special. The fact cannot be ignored that Dzi Beads are high in demand since it can also be worn in the form of Jewellery. If you are not having it in Jewellery form, you should go ahead for this.
6.Double happiness Symbol – One should consider using this feng shui to maintain the balance of energy and happiness in relationships, love, health, and career. Double happiness symbol is most useful and reliable feng shui for love and marriages to maintain lifelong relations.
- You may not believe but it has proven that the symbol of Double Happiness is one of the most effective love or romantic luck and marriage enhancer.
- This works wonderfully for a single woman or man who is trying to find their true love. You must use Double Happiness to see its results. It helps them to find out the partner.
- If you are already having a partner but wish to get blessed with staying together wish then you may also go with this. It will surely protect your relationship in a great way. If you are already married then this Double Happiness will incredibly work for you. It will make both of your stay happy together and strengthen your love for each other too. Moreover, it also plays a major role to keep the married couple away from a third party.
- If you are married, but looking forward to wearing it then go with red color. Moreover, you can also go ahead to put in the southwest corners of your house as it helps to keep the relationship of both of you in a great way.
- And for a single or unmarried couple, you are allowed to put the symbol of the Double Happiness on the Southwest corner of your room to fetch the positive results. This is why this is high in demand among the youth who have fallen in love deeply.
- It is also being mentioned here that wearing the Symbol of Double Happiness works wonder. You do not need to get confused if this is either made of jade or gold, it always works for you. Though it can be said for romance, it would be right to go with luck gold having a little red stone since it would be quite auspicious to you. It is time to bring your love to your life. And this feng shui will truly help you regarding this.
7.Pi Xiu or Pi Yao – Pi Yao or Pi Xiu benefits in many ways and it is very popular to use with jewelry. It can be used for making a bracelet, key chain, amulet etc. It is very recommended for those who are a beginner in feng shui. It is quite helpful in attracting charm.
8.Elephant Symbol – If you are looking for protection, fertility, and good luck, then elephant symbol is the perfect choice for you. The elephant symbol in Chinese feng shui is representation for powerful silence, majesty, the heart of gold and beauty too.
- In feng shui, the symbol of the elephant is considered the best to bring Beauty,Silent power,kindness, and Majesty
- If you have been looking for it then you may go with this option. We all know that elephants are the largest land animals living on the planet and their energy is incredibly wise and kind.
- The list of benefits of elephant symbol does not get ended up here since it is too long. But if you are looking for the best feng shui for either your home or workplace, you should go ahead with this.
9.Crystals – There are many kinds of healing crystals out there, each of the different meaning and significance. This crystal, when placed in different directions, results in a different outcome, so one should know in which direction they want to put according to their need.
10.Chinese coins – In case you want to attract wealth and prosperity to your life then you should divinely go with Chinese coins. Chinese coins are meant to attract good luck in life reading wealth that indirectly affects your wealth creation capacity. TO fully utilize the power of Chinese coins you have to place it in Southeast direction.
11.Number 7 – In modern civilization, numbers are very effectual in our lives in many ways. But we didn’t realize it, as it became very normal to us. We cannot imagine our life without numbers. In many cultures, the number 7 and 8 are considered are one the luckiest number. The Number 7 in many cultures mainly in Chinese culture is seen to be as a representation for good luck and great knowledge. In Greek culture, the number 7 is known as the Perfect Number.
12.Number 8 – In Chinese Feng shui to present lucky charm and balance, the number 8 is used. If you are raised in China then you should know number 8 as the luckiest of all the numbers. In Chinese sounds prosperity and the number 8 sound almost similar. It also one of the best Feng shui, in case you want to maintain balance in your life regarding work pressure, money, career relationships etc. 13 Chinese Feng shui for Good luck charms
13.Animal Charms – Animals are also very best feng shui, different animals are known the different good effect on life that makes your life fulfilling. Goldfish is represented to attract prosperity and luck. Horses and dragons are known for adding lucky charm in life. 13 Chinese Feng shui for Good luck charms
Have Your Ever Considered About Bedroom Feng Shui?
Let me ask you that how many of you ever considered the importance of feng shui for the bedroom. Yes!!! The fact cannot be ignored that a bedroom is a place where we all do spend mostly one-third of our lives. Moreover, this place holds a very special space in our lives and we should not ignore its importance ever. Here, we do sleep, spend time with the partner, get relaxed and rejuvenated. And therefore it is needed to take care of it in a great way. Make sure that everything placed in your room holds an ideal space. According to the expert, the layout of your bedroom needs to be either in square or rectangular shape so that it would get able to stand for stability. This also bestows you a sense of comfort in comparison of irregular shape which does not let the flow of energy in a balanced way. Talking about the position of the bed, you need to make sure that it has been placed against a solid wall and diagonally facing the room door. Apart from it, the bed should be placed in a way so it can easily be accessed from both sides. These are some of the important things need to consider in mind when it comes about bedroom feng shui. IF you have not considered these things, you need to go for it.
Last Words
These are the top thirteen Chinese feng shui everyone has to consider to add good luck, charm, prosperity and many other positive things to make their life great and joyful. Hope this will help you to achieve your life goals. And drive your life towards happiness. 13 Chinese Feng shui for Good luck charms
So, what are you waiting for? It is time to go ahead and choose the right one according to your choice to make your home or workplace get filled with happiness.
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