Inflammation is the root of many diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis and asthma. They have plagued our society and in order to get rid of them long term lifestyles changes are required. Anti Inflammatory Foods
10 Anti Inflammatory Foods

It is the natural response to any body injury. Whenever an injury occurs, the lymphatic that is immune system comes into action. The army of white blood cells (WBCs) reaches area of injury through blood as blood flow is increased. We all have noticed redness, pain, heat, swelling and discomfort on the area of injury it is generated due to immune response. It is a healthy response of blood cells for healing. Anti Inflammatory Foods
A chronic inflammation can create havoc and cause illness. If such inflammation goes unnoticed then it can lead to serious diseases. With the increase in number of cases of such diseases the anti-inflammatory food has gain much popularity among the people. Anti Inflammatory Foods
Autoimmune diseases are caused when immune system over response and harms its own body tissue by considering it a foreign substance. Anti Inflammatory Foods
Anti-inflammatory diet has proved beneficial for reducing age related diseases and in improving the health. It not only helps in alleviating the symptoms but also in curing the disease. It was tested with patients and all those who consumed this diet were relieved as they were able to cut out at least one of their medications.
Following are 10 Anti Inflammatory Foods
- Celery: – The celery seeds are found in different forms; ground-up, extract form and whole seed form. This food has quite impressive health benefits as it includes both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant abilities. It helps in improving cholesterol levels, blood pressure and also keeps you away from heart diseases. These foods lower inflammation and helps in fighting back bacterial infections. A mineral balanced diet is necessary to stay healthy. The proper mixture of sodium and potassium in diet is necessary as without them toxins build up in the body and can invite inflammation. Anti Inflammatory Foods
- Bok Choy: – It is a very rich source of minerals and anti-oxidant vitamins. It is also referred to as Chinese cabbage. In Bok Choy, there are more than 70 antioxidant phenolic substances. This vegetable can be used in various dishes even outside the Chinese Cuisine. It is one of the excellent rich source foods you need to add in your anti-inflammatory diet. It includes hydroxycinamic acids; scavenge free radicals as they are robust.
- Broccoli: – It is a power house of antioxidant which has key vitamins, carotenoids and flavonoids in it. This food is an important vegetable for healthy eating habits. Broccoli has both potassium and magnesium in rich content. It has antioxidants which are particularly potent in anti- inflammatory substances. It lowers the oxidative stress and helps the body in fighting back chronic inflammation and lowers the risk of cancer.
- Green Leafy Vegetables: – It is the most important food you should have in your refrigerator and pantry to fight anti inflammation. It helps in restoring cellular health with the help of flavonoids. These vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants. It has Vitamin A and C in a major amount and Vitamin K too. These vitamins help in protecting brain against oxidative stress due to radical damage. It can also help you in getting rid of Vitamin K deficiency. Anti Inflammatory Foods
- Blueberries: – It has a strong antioxidant, quercetin in it which makes it one of the strongest anti-inflammatory foods. It is a flavonoid found in olive oil, citrus fruits and berries of dark color. It helps in fighting cancer and inflammation. The major health benefit of having blueberries is the presence of quercetin.The consumption of this food helps in slowing cognitive decline and also improves motor function and memory. It contains Vitamin K, Vitamin C and Manganese. Anti Inflammatory Foods
- Pineapple: – There is end number of health benefits of this delicious fruit. It contains quercetin and bromelain. It is used as an anti-inflammatory food from years. Bromelain has immune modulating abilities so it helps in regulating the immune response of the body and prevents it from creating inflammations which are unnecessary and unwanted. It prevents the blood platelets form sticking together or from building up beside the walls of blood vessels or you can say from blood clotting. If it will not prevent this then person may suffer from heart strokes or heart attacks. It contains Vitamin C and Manganese. It provides the body with high supply of potassium, manganese, Vitamin C and B1. This fruit is full of phytonutrients which helps in reducing symptoms of common illness. Anti Inflammatory Foods
- Beets: – This food contains magnesium. It is a chock-full of antioxidants with deep color. They fight back in order to repair the cell damage which is caused due to inflammation. It contains antioxidant called betalain. This provides signature color to Beets and is an excellent source of anti-inflammatory food. It has various health benefits such as repairing damaged cells of the body and storing back magnesium deficiency.
- Walnuts: – Nuts are essential for maintaining the protein and Omega-3s component in the body. If you do not take meat in your diet then you can add nuts in it to make up the difference. In an anti-inflammatory, it is necessary to have walnuts. It also contains phytonutrients which help in protecting the body against cardiovascular systems, type 2 Diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Anti Inflammatory Foods
- Turmeric: – It has high anti-inflammatory properties. It is considered and proved to be highly effective in helping people managing Rheumatoid arthritis. It contains Manganese and Vitamin B6. It has anti-inflammatory compound in it that is curcumin which is considered to be far more potent than ibuprofen and aspirin. Anti Inflammatory Foods
- Coconut Oil: – It cannot be denied that herbs and oils together make up strong anti-inflammatory food. There are high levels of antioxidants in the virgin coconut oil which helps in reducing inflammation and healing arthritis. Having anti-inflammatory diet is more effective than other medications.
Coconut oil has end number of help benefits which includes fighting free radicals. It is heat stable oil used as an excellent anti-inflammatory food. Anti Inflammatory Foods
To live healthy and active lives nourish your soul and body with foods which are rich in antioxidants. This way you can set yourself on a path towards the freedom form inflammation.