If you are not able to sleep comfortably or going through the unhealthy sleep habits, it indicates towards Insomnia. The study says it is also considered a problem belong to your brain. Actually our brain works as per a sleep cycle and a wake cycle. It means when one turned on the other goes to turn off. When this system is affected, it comes in the results as an Insomnia. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia

Today we are going to share about Insomnia increasing day-by-day on a large scale. Do you know what are the reasons cause your sleep difficulties. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
What Are The Cause Of Insomnia
Not a particular one, but there are many reasons which lead towards Insomnia. Some of them have been mention below. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
- Medical Problems Or illness – There is a wide array of diseases Asthma, Neurological, Chronic pain, Low back pain,Nasal/sinus allergies, Gastrointestinal problems, Endocrine based problems, Arthritis which lead towards insomnia. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
- Medications– There are many drugs prescribed by doctors for curing various disease can also be a reason of Insomnia. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
- Psychological Problems and Emotional Distress – This is one of the most renowned reasons lead towards Insomnia. Anxiety and depression is responsible for the chronic insomnia. When one go through the different kind of life stress like bipolar, trauma, anger, guilt etc., it becomes the reason of not getting healthy sleep. In this connection, you need to be very careful that you must not go through these types of emotions. Keep yourself happy and calm. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
Let’s Know About The Symptoms Of Insomnia
- If you have to take sleeping pills or alcohol to get healthy sleep.
- Though you have took enough sleep but even then not feeling refreshed.
- You find yourself tough to concentrate over you work during day.
- If you experience drowsiness, irritability and fatigue.
- If you are experiencing difficulty to get sleep even you are tired a lot.
- If you wake up in the night seeing nightmare but find trouble to get back to sleep.
- If you wake up too early in the morning even if you do not have habit to get up in the early morning.
What You Need To Know
Insomnia also belongs to your lifestyle. It means it is required to follow the right kind of lifestyle in order to keep yourself healthy and fit. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
- If you are forcing yourself to make a new habit to sleep later, you must change it as it may also leads towards lost sleep. Actually, it makes your body’s clock a bit confused and you do not come across a healthy sleep.
- If you are going along with a particular working hours but suddenly you have changed a lot and going to bed at a different time, it also leads to Insomnia. If you used to work in night and trying to sleep during the day, it becomes difficult to sleep. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
- If you have a habit to work in the evening or night. It makes hard to get good sleep. Getting loaded with the work load makes you feel uncomfortable even if you are at home and pretending to take relax. Apart from it, when you work on computer or laptop, it makes your brain more alert and the sleep goes away. The light coming from screen to your eyes directly is also responsible to disturb you sleep.
- Never avoid taking naps in the afternoon. It plays a wide role to make you feel comfortable and does not allow workload to disturb your sleeping habit. Taking small naps are also helpful to make you feel energetic and full of stamina. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
- Have you ever checked your environment if it is noisy or too bright? You need to switch off the lights if they are spreading too much light. Make your room sound proof so the outside’s noise will not interrupt you. If you have a bad habit watching TV, playing Video Game in bed, stop doing this. It takes your sleep away from you.
- Always avoid caffeinated beverage within eight hours of bed since the raise the blood pressure up and does not let you get sleepy easily. Apart from it, if you do exercise or eat late in the night then you should also say NO to it. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
Home Remedies for Insomnia
- Yoga – It is one of the best remedy to treat this problem. There are many yoga types’ makes your brain relaxed and help to get a healthy sleep. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
- Noise proof environment –Make sure your room is not oozing with unpleasant sounds. Put all possible efforts to make it noise proof. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
- Clean Bed – To get a healthy sleep, you need to check out if your bed is free from smell, dust etc.
- Milk – A glass of slightly warm milk loaded with a little honey is very helpful to get healthy sleep. Apart from it, massaging milk on the toes of the foot is also considered an effective way to deal Insomnia.
- Curd– It is known for improving the digestive system and plays a major role to absorb of vital minerals and nutrients. Taking curd massage on heal also considered to make you relax.
- Lemon Balm Tea – Boil a cup of water and add this three teaspoons of here in order to make a tea. Before going for bed, you must take it on daily basis.
- Aromatic Bath – This kind of bath is responsible to unwind your muscles and relax your senses as well. At the timing of bathing, you may add a few drops of lavender or roman chamomile oil.
- Cherry Juice – It serves an excellent and amazing medicine to get healthy sleep. This juice holds high levels of melatonin responsible for getting healthy sleep.
So, what are you waiting for? After following these home remedies, if symptoms remains persist then you must head to doctor to get the best treatment. Are you not able to sleep comfortably,it indicates towards Insomnia
Stay Healthy and Stay Happy….
Have a Happy Reading…With Jiyo Pal Pal…
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