The value of hair cannot be circumvented since they do play a major role in your beauty. Without hair, it would be tough to imagine for many of us our whole persona. Though the fact cannot be ignored that hair also need extra care to look good and outstanding, how many of us do that? Today, we are going to focus on this subject to make you know that how you can get your hair glowing and growing both at the same time going with Guava Leaves.
Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves

Hair Care and Its Significance
Life is beautiful and more beautiful with wonderful hair. But due to the stress and improper lifestyle, hair is the main victim. Tired of trying the numerous hair growing products flooded in the market, it is time to go natural. The hair care business is worth billions of dollars across the world. But for a free of cost natural solution at your home or nearby like guava leaves could be a boon to many. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
What Kind of Hair Issues People Are Dealing With These Days- Hence to know whether guava leaves are really beneficial to your hair, continue reading. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
- Internet Craze Of Guava Leaves And Hair – Is the recent craze on the internet of guava leaves helping in the growth of hair is true or another myth? There is no second opinion on the natural benefits of the guava fruit but its leaves for hair growth are one to be understood properly.
- Hair woes – Millions across the world are facing the problem of hair loss. Every time we look at the mirror it worries us. It is natural to lose hair with age but with the wear and tear of today’s modern world, it is a problem faced even by youth. The loss of hair is a fact not to be accepted or taken easily even with the aged people. In the case of youth, it lowers their self-esteem and confidence and causes embarrassment and insecurity. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
- Hair history – Hair is a protein filament comprising alpha –keratin protein that grows from the follicles found in the skin. Normal people have 100,000 to 150,000 hairs or hair strands. Hence it is normally not a big issue of losing a few now and then. These few lost hairs could be replaced with new hairs at the same rate as lost. When this rate balance is reduced or ceases to exist it is time to worry.
- Hair loss – When there are more hairs found in the hairbrush or in the wash basins or washrooms, or over the dresses you are into the process of hair loss which is known as alopecia or baldness.
- Causes of hair loss – The combination of genetics and male hormone dihydrotestosterone is believed to be the main reason for hair loss. Also infections like fungal, folliculitis, secondary syphilis could cause hair loss. The other main cause of hair loss is the weakening of the hair follicles by imbalanced food, malnutrition, stress, environmental conditions, pollution and improper care of hair. The commercial synthetic hair care products which could give a temporary relief but could end up with a permanent baldness.
How You Can Get Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
Guava leaves with its numerous healthy ingredients start working from the root of the hair while strengthening the hair follicles plays a vital part in the control of hair loss. It is a scientifically proven fact that the guava leaves have the following ingredients and their contribution to strengthen the hair follicles.
Ingredients of guava leaves and their role in controlling loss of hair
Antioxidants: – The various antioxidants found in the guava leaves fight off the free radicals and help in preventing hair damages. It helps to keep your hair healthy and shinier.
Vitamin C – The vitamin C in the guava leaves help boost the collagen activity with is required for healthy hair growth. Vitamin C adds shine to your hair. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
Lycopene: -A powerful antioxidant and carotenoid lycopene in guava leaves help prevent the cells on the skin from the UV or ultraviolet rays of the sun. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
Vitamin B2: Vitamin B2 in guava fruit helps to repair cells and tissues in the body. This could help in restoring the healthy hair of all skin types.
Bioactive components: Guava leaves contain many potential bioactive components like
- Saponine
- Tannins
- Flavonoids such as quercetin
- Eugenols
- Tritenoids
All of which provide immense health benefits which lead to the control of hair loss.
Dandruff treatment: To keep off dandruff, massaging the guava leaves extract deeply into your scalp can be done. This is because of the following properties of guava leaves: Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
- Analgesic
- Antioxidant
- Antimicrobial
- Anti-inflammatory
Why Should You Use Guava Leaves To Stop Hair Loss:
Are you still confused that you should go for using Guava for hair loss or not? You need to give answer these points.
- Exhausted from seeing the internet for various solutions for hair loss?
- Tired of shopping to buy the ideal product to prevent hair loss?
- Depressed will fewer results for more cost for commercial products?
- Bored of remedies suggested by many ways to prevent hair loss?
- Worried and embarrassed with thinning hair or baldness?
All You Need To Do
You need to prepare Guava liquid following the simple ways. All you need to do is just spend 30 minutes to prepare the guava leaves liquid for controlling hair loss. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
What Is All About Your Requirements:
- All you need to have a handful or a cup of guava leaves
- A pot with one liter of water
- A strainer
All About Your Preparation:
- Place the pot with the water in the stove and boil it.
- Add washed guava leaves to the boiling water
- Let it boil with the guava leaves for further 20 minutes
- Strain the liquid and let it cool to the room temperature
Now, you might be thinking that what is all about its application or how to apply this. Here, we are going to help in this regard so that it will become easy for you to use this.
- First, you need to wash your hair thoroughly and let it dry
- Apply the guava leaf solution by mildly massaging the scalp
- Massage in for a minimum of 10 minutes till all your hair is saturated with the guava leaf solution.
- While massaging give more prominence to the roots and tips of the hair.
- Leave the solution for a minimum of 2 hours and most preferably sleep with a wrap over the saturated hair.
- Rinse the solution with the lukewarm water and avoid hot water because it will cause dryness to the scalp and hair.
- Depending on the severity of the hair loss it could be applied twice or thrice a week.
Massaging Benefits With Guava Leaf Solution:
Would not you love to know about the massaging benefits with Guava Leaf Solutions? If yes then you have landed at the right place. In this section, we are going to mention all about this. Let’s check it out.
- Since the hair loss is directly connected with the unhealthy scalp conditions massaging with guava leaves extract could be of big contribution to control hair loss. And therefore you should go for it.
- This also makes the hair manageable even in the case of curly, wavy or frizzy hair. Guava leaves hence could be used as a hair conditioner. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
- Massaging the guava leaf solution into your scalp increases the blood pressure and flow which enable the follicles to receive more nutrition. This results in healthy hair growth.
- It also helps in removing the dirt, grime, oiliness to unclog the follicles and prevent dandruff and making them soft and shiny. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
- Guava leaves with healthy oils and honey:
Yes!!! You can go ahead to use guava leaves with other substances like
- Mustard oil
- Coconut oil
- Honey
The list does not get ended up here but you can also use it with many others to maximize the benefits of both to control hair loss and have a healthy and glowing hair.
How Guava Leaves Add Strength To Your Hair
Guava leaves play a major role in order to strengthen your hair. It does not only work on boosting up the strength of hair but also work on the hair follicles quite helpful regarding promoting thicker, stronger, shinier and healthier hair growth.
Another major benefit is that this is incredibly 100 percent natural. And you do not worry about side effects at all. You can use twice or thrice to your hair in order to enhance the quality of your hair. The best thing is that natural ingredients always do provide the hair and scalp with necessary nutrients in order to build a solid foundation so that healthy hair growth will be done all over the long term. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
You might have used many treatments to enhance your hair health but guava leave method is completely different. The best thing is that it is completely different from the available drugs and medications. Since Guava leaves are completely natural, it will not harm or effect. These products do offer a kind of “quick fix” to your health but they are miserably failed when it comes to eradicating the long-term issues. Not only this, but it can also worsen thinning hair/hair loss. The excess use of these products can also lead to long-term hair issues.
It means Guava leaves are safe to use unless you have a particular allergy to Guava. You can easily beef up your hair health using it. People who are not allergic to Guava would not notice any adverse side effect from Guava leaves.
In case you do not suppose to go with that boiling guava leaves method and pouring them to your hair and scalp will beef up healthy hair growth, you can simply go ahead with the idea of eating Guava Fruit. Apart from it, you can also go ahead with the idea of Guava tea on regular basis. And it works wonder to your overall health.
Guava is a kind of fruit coming up with the facility of having a high level of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, which churn out a wide array of health benefits. If you love having fruits then you must add Guava to your diet. Eating Guava fruit regularly can play a major role to help you in different aspects such as
- It is quite helpful with respect to weight loss. There are so many people who want to lose weight and this is just an excellent way to bring your weight numbers down in an effective way.
- It plays a major role in respect to support digestion. Eating Guava takes yours digestion related health issues away.
- Moreover, this is quite good at helping in respect of treating Diabetes. If you have been suffering from this disease, you must go ahead to add it to your diet to get benefits.
- This is also quite good at maintaining blood sugar levels and keeps you healthy and fit.
- And improving cholesterol. It means you have an easy-to-go solution.
- It also quite helpful with respect to reducing blood pressure.
When there are so many benefits, who will deny to Guava fruits and leaves. This is just incredible indeed. All you need to do is just go as natural as you can to stay healthy and fit. The best thing is that you will not have any side effect. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
What Precaution You Need To Keep In Your Mind
- You need to keep in your mind that the solution needs to get cooled down to room temperature before you go ahead to apply it to your hair.
- The next thing on the list is that you do not rinse your hair using hot water as this will dry out your scalp and hair. This is not good for your hair health.
What Do Experts Say About It
Would not you love to know that what experts actually say about the benefits of Guava Leaves? Yes!!! It is indeed true that experts do also support that Guava Leaves are quite beneficial for your hair and the fruit is good for health too. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
Dr. Sapna V Roshni, Cosmetic Surgeon, and Hair Specialist, Cocoona Centre for Aesthetic Transformation, say about it that Guava Leaves are quite beneficial. Actually, they do hold outstanding factors with itself such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. And these all factors are quite helpful in respect of maintaining a healthy scalp. The vitamin C is jam-packed in it and this is quite helpful in respect of improving collagen activity which is quite helpful in respect of aiding in hair growth. The list does not get ended up here since lycopene content also imparts excellent protection from sun’s UV rays. It means you are supposed to have a lot of sun exposure; this home remedy will surely help you in this respect. In short, guava leaves can play a major role to help to enhance your good hair growth solution without making any hole in your pocket. You can easily prepare the Guava Solution and can use it. Glowing And Growing Hair With Guava Leaves
Dr. Anshul Jaibharat, a Delhi-based Nutritionist, also collaborate the same saying that guava leaves are just excellent at enhancing your hair growth. According to him, Guava Leaves tare exactly a kind of powerhouse of antioxidants like vitamin C. Not only this, but it also comes up with the facility of flavonoids such as quercetin which is actually widely known to bring about various benefits for our health and beauty both at the same time. And therefore we also recommend our patients to use Guava Leaves and adding Guava fruits to your diet.
It means if you are having any doubt, these experts saying will surely help you to believe in this. The fact cannot be ignored that nothing is better than using on your own and then decide on your own. It means it would be right to use on your own and then you may decide. The market is just brimmed with so many products, but adding something quite natural to your life schedule will truly be a unique experience.
The fact cannot be ignored that Guava leaves have actually taken the internet by storm claiming that how it is a kind of miracle solution for hair loss. And it is gaining a lot of popularity all around the world because of the best results too. It is actually having hair-thickening ingredient that promotes rapid hair growth. If you have not used it yet, you need to go with this. Thus the natural, zero cost, easily available guava leaves without any side effects are the best try to control hair loss and live a happy and confident life with healthy hair.
So, what are you waiting for? It is time to go with this option to get rid of hair issues. Say yes home based remedy called Guava Leaves. Do not forget to share your experience with us. We love to hear from your side.
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