Salt it is an important ingredient to add taste to our food. It not only adds flavor to our taste, it is also benefits our body. There are two types of salts commonly used white salt and another one is black salt.
Health benefits of black Salt

Black salt, also known as ‘Kala Namak’ in India. It is widely used in India, Pakistan and internationally for its health benefits. It is black-red in color due to presence of tiny amounts of iron and other minerals. Sodium contains in black salt is very low in comparison to common salt. So, it is recommended by doctors for the persons suffering from high blood pressure. There are many other health benefits of black salt such as it cures intestinal gas, heartburn etc. It is very good for digestive system as well it boosts the digestive system. Work best if you want to lose your weight. The detail benefits of black salts are:
- Healthy skin – To make your skin healthy and protect it from skin infection you just need to add some black salt in your bath water. It works excellent on cracked heels, swollen feet, warts, sprains and athlete’s foot. Black salt water works as healing agent for your skin. Taking a bath of black salt water makes you refreshed and rejuvenated. It can be used in place of chemical peels, special soaps etc. always go for nature products instead of using chemicals on your skin.
- Works as cooling agent – From the ancient time black salt is known for cooling properties. In summer it is very effective for dehydration with added in lemon juice. Low sodium content of it benefits eyesight in comparison of common salt. But having all these health benefits you should use it in limited amount because due to high Sulphur presence, excess use of black salt has negative effects your digestion.
- Make hairs stronger and healthy – If you are frustrated because of your falling hairs, spilt ends, thin hairs etc. then black salt can help you to regain healthy hairs back. Take back salt with tomato juice once in a day. It is a home remedy to make your hair healthy and strong. Minerals present in black salt benefits your hairs to grow stronger. Not only this, it also makes your hair thick and repairs split ends. After all there is no side effect of this natural therapy in respect of supplements, tonics you are taking to gain healthy hair.
- Replacement of sea salt – In our day to day life we mostly use sea salt or processed iodized salt. On the other hand, black salt is considered healthier for our digestion, skin and hair health. Potassium iodate and aluminum silicate are the two chemical present in sea salt considered dangerous for human health. Overdose of sea salt is very harmful and can lead to many diseases like paralysis, thyroid problem, high blood pressure etc. It is a reason that’s why sea salt is banned in some countries. You can go for black salt it is much heathier choice instead of sea salt.
- Protect from Osteoporosis – As we all know that calcium is essential for our bones but few of us know that one- fourth of the total salt in our body is stored in our bones. Sodium present in salt is also very essential to provide strength to our bones. Osteoporosis is a medical disorder in which body starts extracting sodium from ours bones it results our bones lose their strength. This condition become worst if bones get fractured. To reduce chances of Osteoporosis, drink a lot of water daily with pinch of black salt.
- Prevents Depression – Two hormones, melatonin and serotonin these are responsible for unhindered sleep and peace of your body. Black salt helps in preserve them not only this black salt is also really helpful in treating several types of depression.
- Improves digestion – Black salt is used in many digestive pills. It benefits digestion in many ways and make digestion strong. It gives great relief to cure constipation, stomach irritation and many other stomach problems. So include it in your salad to improve digestion.
We hope this articles helps you to understand health benefits of black salt and also benefits you in your daily life. Stay happy, stay fit.
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