Walnuts are among those nuts which are rich in nutrients and benefits our body in many ways. Walnuts popularly known as AKHROT in Hindi. Walnuts are slightly bitter in taste but its creamy texture and aroma make it one of loved nuts worldwide. Medical importance of walnut was recognized in ancient time, it was used in cosmetic products for making skin healthy. Health Benefits Of Walnuts

Walnuts are generally used in making chocolates, cookies, cakes, sweets etc. There are two types of walnuts first one is brownish which we use generally and second one is black. Not only in eatables walnuts are also used as main ingredient in many cosmetics and hair products. Nutrients present in walnut benefits our skin and hair health.
Here are the top Health Benefits Of Walnuts
- Protect from pancreatic cancer – In a study researches find the direct association between nut consumption and risk of pancreatic cancer. Over 2500 women and men take part in this study. Half of them are regularly eat one-ounce serving of nuts twice a week. Remaining other continues their regular diet. After a period of time it was observed that the person who consumed the nuts frequently are not on the risk of pancreatic cancer in comparison of people who avoid nuts. Health Benefits Of Walnuts
- Longevity – If you want to live long than consuming handful of walnuts trice a week. It is scientifically proven that walnuts hold enough power to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 55 percent and not only this it also cut down the risk of cancer by 40 per cent. In comparison to other nuts, walnuts are 10 percent more powerful to reduce the risk of diseases. Health Benefits Of Walnuts
- Prevents Skin Aging – Walnuts are enriching source of Vitamin-B which is very good skin health. Vitamin-E when combined with Vitamin-B works really well in fighting the free radicals because it a natural antioxidant. Increase in stress level may result in earlier onset of wrinkles and this cause faster aging. Vitamin-B is also good mood and stress manager. Thus using walnuts frequently delays the aging process of body.
- Prevent stress – If you are going through daily stress and want to get rid of over it, then surely go for walnuts. Walnuts are very good source of unsaturated fatty acids, alpha linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acid, fiber and antioxidants. You can include walnuts and walnut oil in your daily diet to cut down your daily stress. It was observed by researchers that using walnuts slows down the blood pressure and make you feel relax.
- Maintain body weight – Walnuts works well if you want to take control over excess weight. An ounce of walnuts contains 2g of fiber, 4g of protein and 2.5g of omega 3 fats which make you feel full all day, so you don’t overeat. In several studies it is proven that consuming walnuts frequently helps you to stay fit and healthy. For making your weight management plan successful you should add walnuts in your diet.
Here are the benefits you get from using walnuts. We hope these are really helpful for you to remain healthy and fit.
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