It is a kind of skin infection, which starts in a hair follicle or oil gland. Sometimes it does not get serious, but sometimes it becomes too painful as well as severe. At first, your skin starts getting infected and the affected areas turns into red shade. Since a tender lump develops on that place. Home remedies for Boils
Let Know In Short What Is Boils
Boil is also called a skin abscess that means your skin gets affected and it starts collecting pus under the skin. The bump may increase in the size with the time. Home remedies for Boils
After 4-5 days, you may notice that lump starts turning into white as pus is accumulating under the skin. The body parts where they are appeared oftenly face, armpits, buttocks and shoulders. Not only this, sometimes it happens on the eyelid as well and it is called a sty. If a number of boils emerges on your skin then it can create a great trouble for you and this kind of boil is regarded as a carbuncle. Home remedies for Boils
What Are The Causes Of Boils
- It may generate because of germ called staphylococcal bacteria. It gets entry into your body through tiny nicks or cuts in the skin and then it end up to the hair to the follicle, the origin of boil.
- Some kind of health problems like Diabetes is also responsible for the infection that lead to Boils.
- Having problems relate to immune system also lead to a Boil.
- Poor nutrition and hygiene is one of the most common causes of appearing boils on the skin.
- If your skin comes in the contact of harsh chemicals, the chance of getting boils are raised. So, keep your skin away from harsh chemical. Home remedies for Boils
Do You Know About The Symptoms Of Boils
- The skin around the boil inflames and become red in the shade.
- The lump becomes large in size as well as painful.
- More boils may appear around the original one and you may feel a lot of pain.
- Because of pain, infection and inflammation, fever may develop.
How Many Types of Boils?
Let’s know about the type of several different types of boils.
- Hidradenitis Suppurativa
- Pilonidal Cyst
- Carbuncle
- cystic acne
- Sty
At Which Time You Must Seek Medical Care
- If you are suffering from fever.
- If your skin has inflamed around the boil.
- If you are feeling a lot of pain.
- If boil is not getting drained.
- If you find more boil around the original one.
How Boil Is Treated
- Doctor examines your body properly. Hot Packs and Draining are considered the primary treatment for boils, but only when they seem to get drained or soft. Heat application is considered very helpful as it relaxes the infected area and prepare your skin to fight with the infection in a better way. Taking antibiotic is also great, but must consult doctor before taking. Never pop the boil with the needles, it can turn into painful situation.
- Boil can be treated at home without going to doctor. But in case, if pain is not bearable you need to consult doctor. We need to understand that boil cannot be completely preventable. Pus is made of white blood cells, proteins and bacteria. The one should start taking treatment once it is noticed. To get late for treatment may lead to painful situations. Home remedies for Boils
Home remedies for Boils
- Tea Tree Oil:- This natural oil holds antifungal, antiseptic and antibacterial property with itself. If you use it on a regular basis, you will surely get relief within no time. To use it, you need to take a clean cotton swab and dip it into oil and put it on the boil. Follow this procedure until the boil is drained.
- Turmeric: – As we all know about the benefits of turmeric and it also helps in the case of having boil. It is considered a blood purifier. Having anti-inflammatory property makes it the most sought after when someone suffer from boils. You just need to add one teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk. You need to take this milk three times in a day. Apart from it, prepare a paste of equal amount of turmeric and ginger and apply it onto boil. It helps to get rid of boil by eradicating the inflammation.
- Potatoes: – It sounds a bit strange that how potatoes can help you to get rid of boil but yes it is true. You just need to take a slice of potato and put it on the affected area. Keep in mind that you must replace these slices. You can also leave a slice of potato on your boil by tying it up with the cloth.
- Epsom Salt :- It is very beneficial as it holds properties to drain out the pus. You find relief from pain. You need to take a big bowl having warm water and then add Epsom salt. After this, soak the body part having boil. You must follow this procedure twice in a day to get rid of boil. Home remedies for Boils
- Black Seed Oil: – It is another in this list. Take half table spoon black seed oil and add any kind of hot or cold beverage in it. You must consume it two times in a day. It serves you such a great relief.
- Echinacea Tea: – To prepare it, you need one tablespoon Echinacea and 1 cup of hot water. Add water in 1 tablespoon Echinacea and leave it for 10 minutes to get marinated. Now strain and have this tea.
- Take 15-30 g dried honeysuckle stems and add water. Then leave it for even overnight.
The above mentioned remedies are quite good. I hope you have got a drift about the boil, cause, treatment and remedies. Home remedies for Boils
Now, you do not have to bear it more. Just keep in mind how to maintain hygiene. If you keep your body clean in a proper way, you hardly suffer from it. In a nutshell, you will not lead towards great pain if you take treatment on the time. Home remedies for Boils
So, what do you think about it. Do not forget to share with us. We have been waiting here for your feedback and ideas. Home remedies for Boils
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