Being a part of the new age life, it has become pretty much tough to stay healthy and away from diseases. Bronchitis is the diseases being faced by a number of people. It can occur with anyone as it does not matter which age group you have. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
The lack of knowledge regarding Bronchitis makes it a bit tough. Here, we are going to explore you about this disease right from its little introduction, cause, symptoms, treatment and so on. To know more, you have to go through the whole blog. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
Let’s Know A Bit About Bronchitis
No one wishes to get affected by the disease but sometimes it happens. The rising level of pollution in the air is one of the major reasons behind this kind of disease. This disease belongs to respiratory system and that’s why it is called respiratory disease. It is a kind of disease which create swelling of the bronchial tubes. These tubes play a wide role to take the air from the nose to the lungs. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
Bronchitis is a condition when these tubes are infected and inflamed. This disease makes tough to breath in air and oxygen into their lungs. The mucus membrane in the lungs bronchial passage becomes inflamed if this disease occurs. They get swollen and become thicker, which make tough to take a breath. And it may lead to breathlessness.
Bronchitis Comes In Two Forms
- Acute which means it will remain for one to three weeks. People who have acute bronchitis may confront to the hacking cough. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
- Chronic stands for at least 3 months of the year for two years constantly. To treat this form of Bronchitis, it is required to take regular medical treatment. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
Why You Should Not Smoke
There are many people who think that smoking lifts up their standard or add glam to their style. But there is nothing like it except getting severe health issues. If a smoker has acute bronchitis, then it becomes much harder to recover that. Every cigarette does not make your stylish but play a wide role to damage the tine hair-like structure called cilia. Cilia is responsible for cleaning the excess mucus irritants and debris out. That’s why it is advised to chuck this habit. If you continue smoking, the cilia will completely deny to work. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
What Are The Symptom Of Bronchitis
The symptom of Bronchitis can be different in adult and children.
- The primary symptom of acute bronchitis is having cough. Apart from it, nasal congestion, headache, Persistent cough, Wheezing, Chills, Low fever, Chest tightening, Body ache, blocked nose, sore throat and sputum production. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
- In children, it can be in the form of mild fever, a runny nose, cough, sputum and vomit mucus.
Cause Of Bronchitis
There are many causes which can head to Bronchitis like
- Dust
- Irritating fumes
- Flu
- Smoking
- Bacteria
What To Bear In Mind
- First of all you must consult a doctor and take medicine as soon as possible to treat it. It is necessary as it takes time to get full heal the bronchial tubes. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
- During winter, this problem gets worse. And that’swhy the patient who have been already suffering from it need to take care of their health. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
- Asthma patient need to stay away from polluted areas. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
Home Remedies Of Bronchitis
- Honey:– There is no doubt that it is one of the best home remedy. It is easily available. Honey holds antibacterial properties to treat bronchitis. It play a wide role to soothe the throat and to build up strong immune system. Do not forget to take one teaspoon of honey on daily basis. In order to reduce the swelling and inflammation, you must add one teaspoon honey in warm lemon water.
- Turmeric:- In Indian families, it has been using from a long time. And we all know about it’s a number of benefits. Needless to mention it is the best natural remedy. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of milk and mix it well. Boil it for 2 to 3 minutes. To get best results, take it with empty stomach.
- Garlic:- Garlic is pretty much popular because of having antibiotic and antiviral properties. Take fresh garlic cloves and peel them. And then chopped. Put it into the glass of milk. Boil it and take it warm to get relaxed. You may take it whenever you feel uneasy. If you feel uneasy for a long time, you may take it on a regular basis.
- Eucalyptus Oil:- It is known for steam therapy. Taking steam therapy make the mucus soften and helps to come out. It reduces the inflammation. You just need to put few drops of eucalyptus oil in water and boil it. This oil can be applied directly on the chest to get relax. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
- Oregano Oil :- This oil has always been considered a great medication to treat the deep coughing. You just need to put a few drops of oregano oil under your tongue and let it melt in your mouth. It helps a lot if you have uneasy breath. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
- Salt Water:- Taking salt water helps to cut the mucous which create irritation. It makes the irritate throat relax. You must gargle thrice in a day to get relax immediately. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
- Ginger:– Though we most often use it to make the dish and tea tasty, but it is also helpful to reduce your uneasiness if have bronchitis. Let’s know how to use it. You need to prepare a mixture of pepper, ginger powder and cloves and the quantity should be the same one teaspoon. Now add little amount of honey or milk. And you must take it two to three times in a day. To get instant relief, you can prepare an herbal tea. For this, you need to add black pepper, honey and ginger power and let it stir of 5-6 minutes. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
- Orange Juice: – It is loaded with vitamin C and really helpful to build up a strong immune system. Taking fresh orange juice is quite beneficial to reduce the uneasiness of bronchitis. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
So, what are you waiting for? If you have been facing it, then you must go ahead to try these above mentioned home remedies. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
Apart from medication, do not forget to take a healthy diet and doing exercise. These two things keep you away automatically to get affected by other disease. Home Remedies for Bronchitis
Have A Happy Reading….
Stay Fit And Healthy….