There would be many of you always excuse when it comes to discuss about Piles. But this time, you do not have need to cross the page as it is all about your health. Though piles is not a life threatening disease, but it is required to pay attention over how it can be treated, symptoms, cause etc. We should take the pledge to make us healthy and fit as it is also a kind of fashion which we must follow. Let’s check out more about disease in this content.

What Does It Mean By Piles
It can be varied in size from person to person. It can occur inside the anus and outside the anus. It is required to mention that internal ones are much common. It can be treated by taking medication, increasing the intake of high fiber and a good fluid intake. In a nutshell, it is cleared that Piles are swelling which may occur inside or around the back passage. In many cased, it gets cured on its own. Home remedies for Piles
Let’s Know About the Pile
- If you experience a hard lump around the anus. It may also hold coagulated blood that is called a thrombosed external haemorrhoid. And it can be pretty much painful. Home remedies for Piles
- If you find bright red blood after a bowel movement.
- Experiencing itchiness around the anus.
- If there is any mucus discharge during bowel movements.
- Feeling pain while defecating Home remedies for Piles
- Finding the area around the anus may be red and sore.
Facts About Piles
- The size of varies from person to person.
- It can be found inside or outside the anus.
- It mostly occurs before the age of 50.
- Internal Haemorrhoids can be categorized into four grades.
- Some patients need to go through the surgical treatment in order to get rid of this disease.
- It is required that it is not a serious condition and sometimes it go away on their own.
- It happens due to chronic constipation, pregnancy, lifting heavy weight and chronic diarrhoea.
What To Do Avoid Constipation
- Add a strong intake of fibre, as it helps a lot to get rid of this problem. By eating fruits, vegetables, cereals, whole grains bread etc., you can make yourself away from this disease. Home remedies for Piles
- Apart from it, you must have lots to drink. Taking at least 6 to 8 glasses is quite good to add energy to life. Actually, it works a lot. The must water you drink, it will pass much of the fluid in the form of urine. Taking liquid does not mean you will add alcohol, coffee or tea. Home remedies for Piles
- Adding fibre supplement is also required. For this, you need start taking fruits, vegetables etc., to stay fit and healthy. The fiber works great to pass easily. Home remedies for Piles
- The next things is that you must not take painkillers without the suggestion of doctor. Before taking any painkillers, it is required to consult with the doctor first. Home remedies for Piles
- If you are one of them who suppress the feeling of going toilet, then you need to chuck this habit. If this habit continues longer, it may lead to the situation difficult to pass the stool. Home remedies for Piles
Home remedies for Piles
- Bitter Gourd Juice – Crush the bitter gourd leave to bring the juice out. Now, add 3 table spoon in a 1 glass of buttermilk and drink this mixer on an empty stomach. The mixer should take in every morning for at least a month. Home remedies for Piles
- Ripe Bananas – Take a banana and 1 cup of milk. Mix it well. Take this mixer 3 to 4 times in a day to ease pain. It is one of the best home remedy to take as be it milk or banana both are available easily.
- Buttermilk – It is next in this list. How many of you love to drink buttermilk? I am sure there would be many who love it. But those who do not love, need to take to get rid of this disease. Taka a glass buttermilk and add ¼ table spoon carom seed power along with a pinch of salt. It is also advised by the experts to drink it on regular basis if going through this disease. Home remedies for Piles
- Whole Grain – It is not only good for piles but for overall health too. If you are suffering from piles, you need to add whole grain products. Home remedies for Piles
- Ice- To get quick relief, icepack helps a lot. It is one of the most popular home treatment to get relaxed. It does not only reduce swelling but gives you immediate pain relief as well. What you need to do is take an icepack and put it on the affected area for about 10 minutes.
- Aloe Vera – It is easily available and considered the best home remedy to cure haemorrhoids. In order to treat it, you need to apply a bit aloe Vera gel to your anus. And then slowly massage the affected area. It will help to soothe the burning sensation. Apart from it, you may cut the aloe Vera leaves in strips. Now, place the slices in a container in order to freeze them. Home remedies for Piles
- Lemon Juice- It is also helpful to reduce the pain and burning sensation. Let’s what to do. Take a cotton ball and dip it into the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply this cotton ball on the haemorrhoid. It makes possible to relief from the pain. Apart from it, you can prepare a solution using a lemon into a cup of milk and drink it. It serves you best results within three hours. There is another solution prepared from one-half teaspoon lemon juice, ginger juice, mint juice and honey. Mix it well and consume it. This mix plays a crucial role to get relax.
- Almond Oil – It holds deep tissue absorption properties and used mainly to treat external haemorrhoid treatment. Take a cotton ball and dip into the Almond oil and place it on the affected area. It does not only moisturizes buts eases the inflammation as well. Almond oil is also considered best to remove the burning and itching sensation. Follow this procedure several times in a day.
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