Setting goals isn’t something you should do as it’s a new year. Goals should be continuously formed as you think of them and reviewed regularly if not after changes and other impactful moments. Purposes do not all have to be new crazy far off ideas. Most of them should be just ideas to develop habits and bolster your ideal situation or vision of yourself and your achievements. You can use the New Year to re-prioritize and clean out the old though.
How to determine your priority
Your life’s priorities are everything you spend time doing
Have you ever consider what things you do on a normal day. What are you doing in your time? Whether you apprehend it or not, those actions are your priorities. How to determine your priority
Most of us never even consider about what we waste our time doing. We get up, we go to work, we come home and that’s the end of our day. We’re just running through the motions never actually considering about what we do or why we do it or even how we do it. How to determine your priority
So, whenever you come home at Nighttime and plop down on the couch and watch tv until you feel like sleeping, those 5 hours or so you just killed watching tv are one of your priorities. How to determine your priority
If you filled 8 hours serving at a job you hate, that job is still one of your priority. If this your choice then you’re doing okay. But if you kill time hoping you had a more fulfilling job or even anything as simple as more time to learn to paint or read, then it’s time to consider about your life priorities. How to determine your priority
Consider about why you’re doing something
Think about all the small and big things you spent your time doing on a normal day or even on the weekend. Why do you spend your time doing those things? Are they really priorities or do you just do them as that’s what you’ve done forever? Also, do you perpetually do something that’s consuming a lot of your time without you even realizing it? For instance, do you come home and immediately flip on the tv? Is it because you’re exhausted or just because you’ve made yourself in a habit without even recognizing it? Is there anything you could be doing that would make you content? How to determine your priority
Think about how you’re doing thing
Is there any better way of doing the stuff you’ve decided are life priorities? For instance, do you find that your whole weekend is spent running tasks like cleaning and cooking? Getting groceries has to be done so that you don’t go starving but are there other ways of accomplishing that task. For illustration: You can get the groceries during the week on the way home from work. You go after dinner one night when the shops are less crowded and it would be faster to get done anyway also it can be a nice romantic walk with your partner. Is there a grocery store near where you work? Maybe you can buy groceries on your lunch hour? Could your mate pick up some items when he’s out running tasks so that there’s less for you to buy? Or, even better, you may take turns buying the weekly groceries?
By conceiving of more productive ways to do things, you’ve just abruptly freed up your precious time.
If you are fighting to decide what should come first in your life, here are some basic steps to achieve clarity.
- Identify yourself – We like to relate our lives to the lives of others; we look to our left and right, comparing our priorities against those of our associates. But God’s call changes for every person and no two people will have the exact identical priorities. Recognize who God created you to be—not who you hope you were or who you are juxtaposed to others. You have a different call on your life, different gifts, community, and skills. Take an unvarnished look at the life God has given you and arrange your priorities accordingly. What might these life priorities be? If you’re an artist, you might start by prioritizing your own worship time with the Lord. Other priorities might look like solid time management so you can maintain practice and family time; a definite number of practice hours a week; or frequently exposing yourself to new musicians in your genre. Your life priorities are as unique as you are! How to determine your priority
- Consider things that you loved as a child – One excellent way to discover what should be on the top of your list of priorities is to think about what you enjoyed as a child. Did you used to spend moments writing in a diary, but now seldom write in the middle of your busy schedule? Put writing back at the top of your priority list. Maybe you loved to help your mom in the kitchen but haven’t cooked for ages. Make cooking the first priority again and you’ll permeate your life with joy. God puts passions in our hearts, but the because of the busyness of life in high school and college leads to consuming our time and enthusiasm. We let the things go that we loved once, and start putting compelling things ahead of the primary ones. We achieve what we prioritize. How to determine your priority
- Ascertain who matters most – When individuals consider priorities, most people instantly respond with God and family come first. We appreciate this should be true, but what does that look like in real life? It’s essential to ascertain not just what values most, but who values most. Yet just saying “God and family come first” isn’t sufficient to make permanent changes to our relationships.How will you honor your parents? In what ways will you love your siblings and friends? When will you make time for the people who matter?
Be explicit about your relationship priorities. How will you put God first? What will happen if you do? What will you do each day to worship the Lord?
Clarifying these questions will benefit you define real relationship priorities.