In winter, Tea is a boon. It makes you warm from inside and jazz up your mood within no time. Though Tea has various varieties, black tea is the most popular. A number of people love having it all around the world. It is good in taste as well as hold plethora of benefits too. You may also keep thinking like.
know the health benefits of black tea

- What kind of health properties the black tea holds?
- From where you can buy a black tea?
- How many cups should you have of black tea in a day?
- What kind of side effect can a black tea have if you are on medication?
Today, we are going to cover this topic. If you are a black tea lover or going to start it, you have landed at the right place. Here, we are covering all sorts of essential points associate to black tea.
A Brief about Black Tea
Black tea is also plucked from a plant called camellia sinensis as same as green tea. The leaves of black tea give a dark color when boiled to prepare tea. Black tea does not hold a higher amount of caffeine. It good in taste and can make you fresh within no time. There are different types of herbs tea which are considered good to have. The prominent types are being mentioned here – know the health benefits of black tea
- Chamomile Tea Blends
- Green Tea (with Kombucha)
- Ginger Tea
- Licorice Tea
- Echinacea Tea
- Rooibos Tea Varieties
- Rosehip Tea
In India, we add milk and sugar while making tea. Apart from it, there are many herbs we keep adding like cardamom, lemon grass, holy basil, cinnamon, ginger and so on to increase taste. On the other hand, Chinese people keep adding the sweetening agents like rare herbs, spices, chocolate etc. But Plain black is enriched with antioxidants like polyphenols. know the health benefits of black tea
Nutritional Value of Black Tea
In a comparison of other types of tea, Black Tea is just outstanding as it holds a number of beneficial things:
- Potassium
- Major minerals and trace minerals
- Caffeine
- Amino acids
- Carbohydrates
- Proteins
- Manganese
- Fluoride
- Polyphenols
What More About Black Tea
- Black tea also holds catechins. It is a kind of powerful antioxidants enough to fight cancer-causing cells. Moreover, it also helps to keep you safe from heart disease. know the health benefits of black tea
- Black tea also comes up with tannis. It is a kind of naturally occurring chemical compounds which brings astringency to black team. know the health benefits of black tea
- Apart from it, black tea also holds guanine and xanthine. They both are natural stimulant which is quite similar to caffeine. know the health benefits of black tea
- Black tea is considered quite good as it is loaded with many antioxidants and polyphenols.
- Specifically, black tea also oozing up with complex flavonoids play a major role to prevent from diseases.
It seems essential to mention that a single cup of black tea is full of flavonoids. Having a black team means getting an average of 200 mg of flavonoids. According to the doctors, it is also needed a 600 mg of flavonoids on a daily basis to get the best health benefits. This is a powerful antioxidant and quite helpful to take many diseases away from you. The flavonoids polyphenols in black tea is also called thearubigin and theaflavin. In comparison of green tea, these two antioxidants are majorly found in black tea. know the health benefits of black tea
Why Should You Have Black Tea?
The best thing is that black tea does not hold that ways much sodium and calories. If you do not add sweetener to your tea, black tea is going to be a great option for you. Black tea holds a bold flavor. Those who wish to stay away from soft drinks can choose black tea. It will not only relax your craving for soft drinks but makes you get filled with fresh filling. know the health benefits of black tea
Major Benefits Of Having Black Tea
- Oral Health: As per the profound study, it is said that black tea is quite helpful to reduce the plaque formation. Moreover, it also mitigates the formation of plaque. Black tea does not promote either cavities or tooth decays. Bacteria growth does not happen to the folk who have been having black tea on daily basis. Polyphenols are available in black tea and responsible to kill the cavity cause bacteria. Moreover, it also hinders the growth of bacterial enzymes. Your teeth will remain healthy and cavity free.
- A Better Heart: This black tea can be quite helpful to your heart. Consuming it on daily basis reduces the risk of stroke. You are allowed to have 3 or more cups of black tea on daily basis in order to mitigate the 21% lower risk of a stroke. To stay happy and healthy, you may go for having 1 cup of green or black tea per day.
- Antioxidants: Black tea is loaded with antioxidant polyphenols. This is responsible to stay prevent block DNA damage. These antioxidants cannot get from eating fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it is essential to have black tea on regular basis. Black tea can be a great thing to add to your lifestyle
- Cancer Prevention: A variety of research has already shown how consuming black tea is helpful to keep you away from cancer. Black tea holds polyphenol and catechins considered the best to prevent some sorts of cancer. The study also says that women who drink black tea have a lower chance of ovarian cancer.
- Healthy Bones: It also makes bones healthier and stronger. The people who have been consuming black tea since long always have stronger bones. They also do not prone to bones disease like arthritis etc. Black tea holds phytochemicals that keep you away from this disease. know the health benefits of black tea
- Lower Risk of Diabetes: Whether they are kids or youth, the number of diabetic patients is increasing day by day. According to the study, people who have been consuming black tea usually stay safe from diabetes. Having 1-2 black tea is enough to take. Apart from it, approximately 70% chances get decreased of having type 2 diabetes. know the health benefits of black tea
- Stress Relief: To stay from stress, black tea also works a lot. There would be many of you already aware and well experienced about the calming and relaxing advantages of black tea. After having a tough day, you must have it to get relaxed. Actually, the black tea is having the amino acid L-theanine responsible for bringing you at peace and make your focus a bit better. Having tea also reduces the level of stress hormone cortisol.
- Better Immune System: For having strong immune system, having black tea is considered good. These days we all have become habitual of a busy life. Getting ill is quite common. But you can stay healthy having black tea. It comes up with alkylamine antigens responsible to lift up the immune response. Moreover, it also has tannins having ability to fight viruses. Having black tea also keeps you away from stomach flu, influenza and other viruses. know the health benefits of black tea
- Healthy Digestive Tract: Black tea has emerged as a good option to improve the immune system. Tannins come up with a therapeutic effect on gastric. Moreover, it also takes the intestinal illnesses away from you. Not only this, but it also decreases digestive activity. It means if you are going through digest related issues, you may go ahead to add black tea to your life style to stay away from stomach related issues.
- Increased Energy: Black tea does not hold way much amount of caffeine but a regulated amount. In a comparison of having beverages contains higher caffeine, it is good to go with black tea. The low amount caffeine in black tea helps to stimulate the blood flow towards the brain. Apart from it, black tea also stimulated the respiratory system and metabolism along with kidneys and heart.
- Happiness Factor: You do not know but a tasty cup of black tea will make you fall in love with the taste. It is also associated to you happiness factor. After having it, you will feel quite happier. Yes!!! A perfect cup of tea will make you completely happy. It will make your heart indulge in happiness.
From where you can buy Black Tea
Yes!!! It is easily available on stores and you would not face any issues finding it. There are many online stores so you can also place your online order if do not have time to step out of home to buy it. You can have them in various packets and you can buy according to your convenience. It is up to you how you wish to have it hot or cold. It comes up with the best taste in both types whether it is cold or hot. know the health benefits of black tea
What are the disadvantages of having black tea?
Though it is good to have black tea, you also need to careful that how many cups you can have in a day. You are not allowed to have a large amount of black tea. According to the study, you must not have more than 4 or 5 cups a day. It may lead to health problems. The major thing is that black tea also have caffeine but in low amount. And that is why having more 4-5 cups can increase the amount of caffeine in your body. know the health benefits of black tea
What If You Have More Than 4-5 Cups In A day
You should avoid having the excessive amount of black coffee. Having a large amount of black tea would lead to disadvantage instead of bringing benefits to you. What Side effects of black tea you may experience:
- You may experience Nausea and vomiting due to having more cups.
- Having a more than 3-4 cups can also lead towards Nervousness and restlessness
- Ringing in the ears is another symptoms you can have if take black tea in excessive amount
- You can also have a headache due to having the extra amount of caffeine.
- You may also experience the increased urination
- Irregular heartbeat is also experienced by the folk if they have the more cups black tea.
- Anxiety and difficulty sleeping is also listed on the list. know the health benefits of black tea
- Faster breathing also happens due to an excessive amount of black tea.
What If You Are on Medicines
It is being mentioned here that having black tea is good but not for all especially, who are on medicine. Do not go for having the medicines on your own without consulting the doctor. It can lead to trouble you. Actually, a combination of black tea and other types of caffeine known as ephedra can be quite dangerous. It is not good from health prospects. It can lead to many health issues like heart rate changes, passing out, increased blood pressure and so on. know the health benefits of black tea
- Frst, you need to understand that black tea or supplements may also interfere with the supplements or medicines if you are having. That is why you need to consult with your doctor first if you are on any sorts of medicines or supplement so you will not have trouble later. Your doctor will guide you in a right way if black tea will have you any disadvantage or not. They also let you know how many cups you can have.
- What you need to do is just contact your doctor. Let them know if you are having any supplement. The doctor will examine all the points and then guide you. They check you if black tea would not have any potential side effect with your medications. know the health benefits of black tea
In the last
Having black tea can be quite healthy if you have it in the limit. It has a number of positive benefits. Keep the intake of a black tea cups ideal so you would not have any health issues.
So, what are you waiting for? Add this beneficial beverage to your life to stay healthy and happy. Do not forget to share your feedback with us. We love hearing your side. Winter has kicked off and this time you must not skip this very taste black tea. Consult your doctor first, if having any medicine to know it would not have any side effects.
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