It is also known as a Vitiligo. This word stands for white skin. It is a kind of a gradual loss of the pigment melanin from the skin layers which tends to white skin. It looks ugly and brings the confidence down of the individual. It fetches quick attention if someone having dark complexion go through this disease called Leucoderma.
Leucoderma causes and treatment
If you think it occurs cause of germ or bad blood then you are a bit wrong. In simple words, Vitiligo is a condition in which patient’s fetch white patches on his/her face. It can affect any part of the body. The main reasons which is responsible for this disease is the cell that makes pigment (colour) in the skin get destroyed. These cells are also called melanocytes. Leucoderma causes and treatment
What Is All About The Causes Of Leucoderma
- The major reason of leucoderma is considered the excessive mental worry.
- If you are going through chronic or acute gastric disorder, it may also lead towards Leucoderma.
- Apart from it, jaundice and parasite in intestinal are also considered the cause of leucoderma.
- Heredity is one of the major causes of leucoderma. Leucoderma causes and treatment
Who Is Affected
No, there is no particular age in which this disease occurs. Generally, it occurs with many peoples in their twenties. It does not matter which gender you belong to. Whether you male or female, it can occur with both. If it occurs with the one having fair skin, it does not seem noticeable. But if one has dark skin, it becomes more noticeable. The chances suffering from this disease gets raised if you carry a family history. Leucoderma causes and treatment
If It Spread Or Not
It varies from person to person. In some cases, it does not spread too much and remains at the particular place. On the other hand, in some cases, it spread to another part of the body as well. In this connection, it cannot be said that if it spread or not. Leucoderma causes and treatment
How Your Doctor Diagnoses This Disease
To diagnose it, you doctors will ask you for an eye exam, blood test and small samples of the affected skin. Apart from it, you also need to consider that you may go through this disease if you take a lot of tension, have some type of physical illness, skin problems, your hair turns to gray before age 35 or you are sensitive to the sun. You need to care all these things to mind. Leucoderma causes and treatment
How It Can Be Treated
- Doctors may prescribe you some kind of medicines to cure it. But it is not necessary that the same medicine will work with everyone. Sometime, treatment takes too much time. Leucoderma causes and treatment
- Your doctor may prescribe you some kind of medicines that you have to put on the skin.
- You may also be suggested to take medicines that you have to take by mouth.
- Your treatment may also include medicines plus ultraviolet A (UVA) light.
- Probably, it is possible that your doctor takes help of the treatment that removes the colour from other areas in order to match the white patches. Leucoderma causes and treatment
- Apart from it, sunscreens is also helpful. You may also take help of cosmetic that helps to cover or dye the white patches. Leucoderma causes and treatment
- If someone in your family has white patches, you must take him/her for counseling and support in order to infuse the confidence. Leucoderma causes and treatment
Home Remedies for Leucoderma
In this section, some of the best home remedies are being mentioned below. You must try them if going through this disease. Let’s check it out. Leucoderma causes and treatment
- Red Clay– It is very effective to serve relief in this condition. This kind of clay is found by the river side or on hill slopes. What you need to do is mix it with ginger juice in a ratio of 1.1. Mix it well and then apply it on your face especially over the white spots once a day. The copper is found in the clay responsible for bringing back the skin pigmentation. On the other hand Ginger juice also offers a mild stimulant responsible for increasing the blood flow to the sports. Leucoderma causes and treatment
- Radish – Radish seeds is also considered good to do treatment of leucoderma. You need to prepare a paste using radish seeds. You need to take thirty-five grams of these seeds in the form of power then add two teaspoons of vinegar. Mix this mixture in a gentle manner then apply it over the white patches.
- Goose foot– Yes!!! It also helps treat this disease. You need to take 500 gm of turmeric which must be soaked in 8 liters of water at night. Leave it throughout the night. In the morning, you need to boil it using one-liter water. The extra water should leave to get strained and add 500 ml of mustard oil. The mixture must be heated till only the oil is left in the pot. Transfer it into a bottle and keep it in a safe place. Use this paste in every morning and evening. Leucoderma causes and treatment
- Well– Balanced Diet- You need to be careful about your diet. Add balanced diet including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains etc.
- Sat No To This –Apart from taking the balanced diet, you also need to keep in mind to make the distance from the caffeine based liquid like Coffee, Tea, Alcohol etc. Not only this, but you also need to say No to highly flavored dishes, white flour products, sugar etc. Leucoderma causes and treatment
If you find something that gives you a hint of this disease then you must schedule an appointment with your doctor. Taking doctor’s advice in the starting helps a lot to make the condition in control.
We always want our readers must stay fit and healthy and that is why we keep you update about the health-based stuff. I hope this one also helped a lot and increase your information regarding this disease.
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