Meenakshi Temple located on the southern bank of Vaigai River in Madurai city of Tamil Nadu state is a standout amongst the most dominant Hindu sanctuaries in India committed to Meenakshi, Goddess Parvathi, and her associate Lord Shiva alluded as Sundareswarar. The Meenakshi sanctuary is otherwise called Meenakshi Sundareswarar, Tiru-aalavaai and Meenakshi Amman Kovil. Not at all like a large portion of the sanctuaries where Lord Shiva is the central god, is Goddess Meenakshi worshiped as primary god in Meenakshi sanctuary. “Mīnachchi” is gotten from two words “mīna” and “aksi” which implies fish and eyes, separately.Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
Meenakshi Temple – Madurai -Temple History
The historical backdrop of the Meenakshi sanctuary goes back to 2,500 years. The present structure of Meenakshi sanctuary was developed in seventeenth century, however numerous authentic confirmations going once more from early A.D have been found.Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
An Islamic victor named Malikkapur, who was prejudiced towards different religions, attacked the city and demolished the sanctuary totally in 1310. The sanctuary is said to be found by Indra amid his journey to make up for his wrong doings. As he neared the swayambu lingam of Madurai he felt his weight lifting and he ascribed this marvel to the lingam and constructed the sanctuary to cherish it.Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
After the attack on the sanctuary in fourteenth century, the primary Nayak ruler of Madurai named Viswanatha Nayak in sixteenth century took activity to remade the sanctuary. Under the supervision of the Prime Minister of the Nayak Dynasty, Ariyanatha Mudaliar, Viswanatha built Vasantha Mandapam, where vasanthotsavam is praised, and Kilikoondu Mandapam.Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
Design of Meenakshi temple is incorporated by high stone work dividers and four passages confronting four bearings. The sanctuary has 14 gopurams measuring from 45-50 meters tall with the tallest to quantify 51.0 meters on the southern tower.Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
The most seasoned gopuram on the east was worked by Maravarman Sundara Pandyan in 1216-1238. Each gopurams is worked with a huge number of stone figures of creatures, divine beings and evil presences painted in dim hues. The sanctuary additionally includes two brilliant designed vimanas and roughly around 33,000 figures. Around 15,000 pioneers visit the sanctuary ordinary and around 1 million individuals just amid the 10 day Meenakshi Tirukalyanam celebration.Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
More Information about Meenakshi Temple
This Temple is a huge image for the Tamil individuals, specified since relic in Tamil writing however the present structure of Meenakshi sanctuary was worked somewhere around 1623 and 1655 CE.Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
The 14 Gopurams are the heart of the sanctuaries, out of which four are outside the sanctuary which are said to be the points of interest of the Madurai. The Four Major Gopurams present outside the sanctuary are –
The East Tower – The east tower has a tallness of around 161’3″, it is Nine Storeyed and it has 1012 sudhai figures etched on it.Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
The South Tower – The South Tower additionally has nine Stories and has a tallness of around 170’6″, this tower has 1513 sudhai figures.Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
The West Tower – This tower additionally has nine stories and has a tallness of 163’3″ and it has 1124 sudhai figures.
The North Tower – This tower additionally has Nine Stories and has a tallness of 160’6″. It has less sudhai figures.
The South Tower is said to have the most extreme number of Sudhai Figures and it has the greatest tallness contrasted with all different Gopurams.
Interesting Facts about the Temple
The numerous mandapams or structures are one of the numerous attractions of this sanctuary. Noticeable among them are the Aaiyiram Kaal Mandapam, Ashtashakti Mandapam, Meenakshi Nayakan Mandapam, Killi Kootu Mandapam, and so forth. Each of these mandapams has a past filled with their own.
To know the temple better and comprehend its history, it is essential that you visit the spot. Sangam Hotels in Madurai is a lavish inn arranged only 4 kms from the sanctuary, yet at a calmer part of the city.
Underground Mystery: The floor of the whole temple is secured by perfectly cut rectangular rocks. These stones are for the most part plain, without any carvings. On the off chance that you tap on these stones, it doesn’t sound empty. Be that as it may, each specific number of rocks, there are square shakes with a lotus cut on them. On the off chance that you tap on these “lotus rocks”, they sound empty! This backings the hypothesis that there are shrouded, underground structures in the Madurai Meenakshi Temple. These “lotus rocks” could be mystery entryways into underground entries or basements. It is all around recorded that most Indian Kings had mystery escape courses and shrouded treasures underground.Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
The Rotating Lingam: On the roof between the Meenakshi and Sundaram Sanctum, you can detect the turning lingam painting. The work of art is done in Trompe-l’œil style which delineates three dimensional items on (2 dimensional) the roof. The Mayans had utilized the same style of painting in Mayapan. Regardless of which edge you see this lingam from, you will see that the spout at the base dependably focuses towards you. The depiction was not as of late done, but rather is hundreds of years old. It is just being repainted like clockwork to look new.
An Elephant is available inside the Temple complex. It will favour you by blowing on your head with its trunk for a little charge. The elephant is additionally utilized for different religious purposes.
Legend of 1000 Pillar Hall: Even however it is very much recorded that this structure was developed in 1569 A.D by Ariyanatha Mudaliyar, there is an intriguing nearby tale. Quite a long time ago a midget showed up before Meenakshi and tested her to a sword battle.
Meenakshi laughed at him, since he was just as tall as a one year old. In any case, the diminutive person demanded that he could vanquish anybody in a battle. Thus, she called her armed force chieftain to battle the smaller person. Incredibly, the diminutive person vanquished the armed force chieftain in seconds and killed him. Meenakshi understood that the smaller person had supernatural forces. In this way, she gave him an unthinkable test. He needed to construct a structure with 1000 columns in a day.
Vasonthosavam Spring Festival is praised in the Meenakshi temple consistently in the months of April and May. Different celebrations incorporate Avanimool Festival which is held in the months of September and October, when temple autos are drawn around the lanes of Madurai and Teppam Festival otherwise called the yearly signal celebration is held in the months of January and February.
Chithirai celebration, a 12 day celebration held during the months of April and May, commends the marriage of Shree Meenakshi to Lord Sundereswara. On the event, a lavishly enriched chariot bearing the pictures of the heavenly couple is taken around the city.
Best time to visit
- The best time to visit Madurai is the months amongst October and March as the climate here is lovely. Summers ought to be maintained a strategic distance from as it gets to a great degree hot.
Rules to be followed - Western wear is not allowed like shorts and jeans
- You have to wear “Veshti” only
- Can’t wear shoed inside the temple and socks also not allowed
- Only Hindus are allowed
How to reach
- By Air: Madurai has an international and domestic airport with good facility and it’s served by some airlines like Jet Connect, Spice and Air India.
- By Train: Generally people use train and it is connected from many parts of India like Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and many more.
- By Bus: Madurai is situated on National Highways NH-45B, NH-49. And travelling from Chennai It will take around 8 to 10 hrs.