Generally, we all think that sleeping is a good habit as it makes us feel energetic and happy. We have been hearing for a long time that we should take enough sleep in order to stay fit and healthy. Since we are living in a fast paced life where life has become pretty much busy we have to compromise with our sleep sometime. There would be many of you do not get enough time to complete your sleep and may choose weekend to sleep more. But have you have ever muddled that if it is good or not? Well! There would be many of you who have not pay attention over this topic. But now we are going to explore this topic in a discreet manner. Oversleeping during weekends Good Or Bad
Oversleeping during weekends Good Or Bad

If You Also One Of Them
Are you habitual of sleeping longer on weekends? All be knows sleeping less effect our health badly. But very few of us aware of ill effect of oversleeping during weekends. Oversleeping cause may health related problems. In many researches it is revealed that having sleep from seven to nine hours is perfect for healthy life.
Why We Need To Sleep?
Sleep is also necessary to survive as same as food, oxygen, water. We all spend one-third of life in sleeping. The hours of sleep vary from across ages and also it is impacted by our lifestyle. Healthy sleep is required to maintain the energy level of our body. It also helps us to refresh our mind from the stress we face in day to day life.
Impact of Health of oversleeping
If you are sleeping too much that can really affect your health very badly. This will lead you to numerous health problems. Let’s check it out more about this. Oversleeping during weekends Good Or Bad
As per study, it may lead to medical problems like heart disease, increase risk of death, diabetes and increased risk of death. Apart from it, study also says that it lifts up two other risk factors as well like depression and low socioeconomic status. When you are caught up in depression, it leads towards over sleeping habit. Actually, when we get depress, a kind of habit hiding starts getting developed. In this case, we do not take interest to go along with the daily chores of our life and wish to be in sleep all the time as it keeps us away from the reality and makes us feel safe.
But How To Find Out It Is Too Much
Yup!!! It would be the next question popped up in your mind that how to find out that you have done enough sleep. It is required to mention that it gets varied from time to time as per your lifetime. Apart from it, how much you sleep is also depend that what about your age and activity level. Not only this, but your general health and lifestyle habit also responsible for this. For example, if you are loaded with the mental stress and depression, you may not feel energetic and wish to get showered with the sleep. You would love to take more sleep in comparison of earlier when you were ok. If it talks about the healthy habit of sleep then you must take sleep in between 7 to 9 hours daily.
What If You Are Sleeping Too Much
- If you have been suffering from hypersomnia, it leads to oversleeping. Hypersomnia is a kind of medical disorder that makes the one to sleep more. When someone suffer from hypersomnia, he/she does not get relaxed taking napping. Oversleeping during weekends Good Or Bad
- Apart from it, if you are sleeping too much then it may also cause of low energy, anxiety a memory problem.
- Obstructive sleep apnea means stop breathing momentarily while sleeping and it disturb your sleep and that is why you tend to take more sleep. Oversleeping during weekends Good Or Bad
In the last, it is also required to mention that everyone who oversleeps does not mean is suffering from sleep disorder. It may also happen because of taking alcohol or some other kind of medications. Apart from it, if you are going through any medical problem that lead to depression is also responsible for sleeping too much.
What Say Research About Longer Sleep Habit
In this section, we are going to mention about some of the prominent reasons that indicates towards longer sleep habit. Oversleeping during weekends Good Or Bad
- Depression
- Increased pain
- Impaired fertility
- Higher risk of obesity
- Higher risk of diabetes
- Higher risk of heart disease
- Increased inflammation
The Last words
In the last, I would like to say that if you have been experiencing any of the above mentioned problems then you must consult with doctor in order to find out the right reason. But if you are taking more than nine hours sleep on the weekends then nothing is wrong in it as it is normal. Longer hours Sleep on weekend is good in order to get relaxed and full of energy. Even if you are sleeping more than usual hours that does not mean you are suffering from any healthy. Oversleeping during weekends Good Or Bad
Sometimes, it happens because you are tired a lot and your body wish to recharge your battery. There would be many of us who do not love doing anything but sleep on weekend as it makes us feel good. On weekend, we do not love to follow the usual daily schedule. And that is why, you just do not need to get tensed thinking that if you are going through any health issues. To put in simple words, it can be said that longer sleeping on weekend is good to make yourself relaxed as our brain has to go through a lot of workload daily. And weekend helps a lot to pamper some relax to the most important part of the body.Oversleeping during weekends Good Or Bad
So, what about you? You just need to take care of your health and bring some changes in your life style to have the right sleeping habit. And yes! Do not forget to add exercise and healthy food in your life style.
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