Heart diseases are the most common disease among people these days. According to a study 25% people died due to heat diseases. It has become the major cause of death these days. Thus it is our own duty to take care of our heart and keep it fit and healthy. Here I am listing you some of the foods which you can include in your diet on regular basis so that none of the heart disease can conquer you. Take care of your heart with these foods
Take care of your heart with these foods

- Berries – Blue berries, strawberries, raspberries, add these berries in your diet. They have high quantity of proteins and fiber which prevents heart diseases. Take care of your heart with these foods
- Oats – They contain fiber and also maintain sugar level of your body. Thus eating them is a good choice for our healthy heart. Take care of your heart with these foods
- Leafy green vegetables – Green veggies are rich source of vitamins, minerals. They are good for each of our body part. Thus we should opt for the green food in our daily diet. Take care of your heart with these foods
- Nuts – Eating 5-6 almonds and walnuts daily helps in maintain cholesterol level of your body, thus maintaining heart diseases. Take care of your heart with these foods
- Fish – Fishes such as salmons are the rich source of protein, thus adding it to our diet is a good option for non vegetarians. Take care of your heart with these foods
- Chocolate – Much preferably the dark one. Dark chocolates are good for health diseases maintenance.
- Citrus fruits – They contain antioxidants, which help in preventing heart diseases. They maintain blood level and increase risk of heart disease. Take care of your heart with these foods
- Potato – Potatoes contains fiber and vitamins to help your heart against diseases.
- Tomatoes – Tomatoes provide lycopene, vitamin C , alpha & beta-carotene.
- Olive oil – Olive oil contains fatty acid which helps in maintaining cholesterol level of your body.
- Red wine – They may contain antioxidants. They also increase good cholesterol in your body and thus reduce the bad cholesterol and remove it from the body. Take care of your heart with these foods
- Green tea – It contains antioxidants, which act as anti blood clotting agents and thus improving blood flow level in the body. Take care of your heart with these foods
- Broccoli – It is a healthy snack for the heart. It includes vitamins, calcium, fiber, potassium.
- Coffee – It also contains coca, which is good for heart
- Pomegranate – It is a high protective agent against heart diseases. They contain high quality antioxidants, which helps in regular flow of blood in the body.
- Yogurt – Again highly contained with rich fiber and nutrients, which helps in fighting against heart issues.
- Apples – “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”, we have all grown up by listing to this particular tag line. It is actually effective also. Take care of your heart with these foods
- Garlic – It helps in lower blood cholesterol level in our body and prevents heart diseases.
- Whole Grains – Increase the consuming of wholegrain cereals in spite of carbohydrates to fight against heart issues. Take care of your heart with these foods
- Turmeric – It is a natural antioxidant, which prevents clotting of blood and act as a shield against any of the heart disease. Take care of your heart with these foods
Heart, one of the most important part of the body. Heart is the main part which helps in all body control and living life. Thus it us our first priority to keep it fit and healthy. So include all the above mentioned foods in your diet and lead to a healthy wealthy life.