Stevioside, one of the sugars naturally obtained from the stevia plant. And you may not believe or may find a bit bizarre that Stevia is about 300 times sweeter in comparison of table sugar. And the more surprising fact is that it does not hold calories. It reduces obesity by reducing the desire to consume sweets which play a major role to affect your weight. Moreover, it also plays a major role to prevent tooth decay.

But the prominent benefits do not get ended up here since the list is too long. In this article, we are going to cover all this. If you are one of them want to read all these then you have landed on the right platform. Let’s check it out everything in a discreet manner –
But What Exactly Is “Stevia?”
We must start by clarifying that stevia is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family (the same as sunflowers), which leaves generally hold the sweetening components. Although the name stevia is typical of the plant, this word generally is used as a reference to a natural sweetener, safe and without calories used mainly as an alternative to artificial sweeteners. Although its rediscovery seems recent, it is a millenarian product with a long history behind it.
Amazing Facts About Stevia
1 Oral Health Improvement – First, it plays a major role to protect tooth enamel. As it is a natural sweetener, it helps to combat the accumulation of bacteria, acids and food residues mixed with saliva, thus protecting the outer layer of the teeth.
- Generally, what happens is that drinking tea can lead towards the enamel damage. But stevia leaves two to three times a day can help with hyperglycemia.
- Stevia tea is also used to soothe discomfort and heartburn. Moreover, it also reduces gas and improves indigestion and gastrointestinal function.
- The antibacterial properties of stevia help in the treatment of caries, gingivitis, caries and mouth ulcers.
Studies also say that many people have reported improvement in their oral health after using stevia concentrate with their toothpaste or as a daily mouthwash diluted in a glass of water.
2 The connection between Stevia and Digestion – Stevia favors digestion and therefore it is being used on a large scale by many people. Not only better the gastrointestinal function, but this is also considered best to calm the acidity and upset stomach.
- If you have been going through the digestion related issues, Stevia is considered the right one. The regulation of the digestive system in the most correct way is one of the benefits of consuming Stevia.
- There are so many people out there struggling constipation. It helps people suffering from constipation, because of the large amount of fiber it holds. Moreover, it also even favors regarding the production of gastric juices. And these gastric juices portray a major role regarding good digestion.
- It seems important to mention that this natural sweetener comes up with a great power as an antioxidant. And the best thing is that it is up to six times more than the green tea itself.
- Needless to say that it has emerged as the best natural medicine to keep you away from circulation problems such as the uncomfortable cerebral stroke and the very serious myocardial infarction, which are often the cause of arteriosclerosis, in other cases as a bad function of the liver, diabetes, among others.
- And the list does not get ended up here since it is even one of the best options for anti-aging and that is thanks to the antioxidants that Stevia has inside.
- If you wish to improve the strength of your immune system then you should go for it. Stevia also helps to keep you safe from cold and flu.
- Stevia is also considered right to place on burn so that infection would not spread and you will stay safe from.
- These days, there are many studies are being done in order to determine that if there is any side effect of having a side effect of consuming Stevia. Though it has not possible to even check if there are any contraindications.
The online market is full of products made up of Stevia which are manufactured by the excellent platforms. But the important thing is that it is not only completely pure but also most of them are mixed with other types of sweeteners or alcohols, so this product already completely loses its naturalness and also loses all the medicinal properties it contains. And therefore it is recommended not to buy manufactured products derived from stevia. Make sure you are going to buy products having a true ratio of stevia or go with the natural stevia.
3 To Weight Loss – Are you looking for a sweetener that can help in weight loss diet then you have landed on the right platform? Yes!!! This is a perfect sweetener for weight loss diets to be reduced in calories, have a satiating effect and control anxiety. Stevia is quite helpful regarding in losing weight because it is low in carbohydrates, calories, and sugar and regulates blood sugar levels.
- It may sound a bit bizarre but true that the sensation of hunger is reduced by consuming 10 or 15 drops of stevia extract in a glass of water 20 minutes before meals.
- Here, we would like to mention that the antioxidant, antibacterial and antiseptic power of stevia plays a major role help with wrinkles, skin blemishes, dermatitis, eczema, acne breakouts, scars, rashes, itching and chapped lips.
- Yes!!! This is true that stevia can also be used as a face mask. When stevia face mask is applied, it helps to act for at least 30-60 minutes softens and tightens the skin, softens wrinkles and helps heal different skin spots, including acne. Unlike artificial sweeteners, sweet glycosides do not break down with heat, making them an excellent sweetener for cooking and baking.
- Studies also say that a small amount of directly applied stevia concentrate can also improve the healing process when used on seborrhea, dermatitis, and eczema. Moreover, cuts and scratches can also get cured more quickly.
- To put in simple words, the stevia concentrate can also be added to the shampoo in order to eliminate some scalp problems such as dandruff and improves the health and shine of the hair.
- Though it is also needed to mention that the condition of each individual is different and the experimentation with stevia should be done under the supervision of a qualified doctor since it the results can vary from person to person.
- Studies say that the stevia leaf is jam-packed with many great sources such as fiber, protein, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, vitamin A, and vitamin C.
Stevia consumption is expanding as a substitute for sugar because it does not affect blood sugar levels, something that millions of diabetics need. Therefore, it is absolutely safe for the sugar patients. And therefore the number of countries that are putting the best efforts to approve stevia as a sweetener and food additive are increasing. The most generally accepted benefits of stevia is its ability to reduce blood sugar levels, aid in weight loss, and protect oral health by preventing cavities. If consumed as a leaf stevia also contains a large number of antioxidants such as flavonoids, triterpenes, and tannins among others. It also contains fiber, protein, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. In the sweetener form, these additional elements are almost insignificant.
Undoubtedly the most salient and praised aspect of stevia for human health concerns its ability to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. As it contains Stevioside, when it breaks down in the digestive process the particles that contain glucose are absorbed by the bacteria in the colon, instead of being absorbed by the levels of glucose in the bloodstream and affecting the body. It helps diabetics and hypoglycemic, being an ideal substitute for sugar since they can eat sweet foods without having to worry about diabetic complications. Being very low in calories the stevia helps in diets to lose weight. You can eat sweet foods made with stevia without having to worry about the extra calories provided by traditional sugars. The eye that not only fatten the simple sugars, the refined flours do so much damage or more at the time of losing weight.
It also decreases anxiety and the need to eat sweets. Unlike sugar, stevia reduces the formation of bacteria in the mouth and prevents cavities and gingivitis. Therefore sugar patients are being preferred to have it. Studies have shown that stevia is loaded with antibacterial properties, especially against E. coli, responsible for severe food poisoning, and Staphylococcus aureus, a common cause of skin infections (acne, boils, carbuncles, abscesses), respiratory diseases and food poisoning. The topical application of the stevia plant is useful for skin diseases such as eczema and dermatitis since it inhibits the spread of bacteria. Its antioxidant compounds found in stevia make it an ideal dietary supplement to prevent premature aging by eliminating free radicals.
4 Good for People Having Diabetes – Stevia is ideal for people struggling with diabetes. It does not only promote the natural production of insulin but increases resistance to this substance, reducing the blood sugar level of diabetics. The most generally accepted properties are its ability to reduce blood sugar level, aid in weight loss, and protect oral health.
- Diabetics have problems metabolizing glucose, replacing sugar with synthetic sweeteners such as saccharin or aspartame.
- An alternative to the consumption of these artificial sweeteners is the replacement of these by low-calorie natural sweeteners such as Stevia rebaudiana.
- Stevia extracts have been used safely for decades as natural sweeteners in Paraguay and Brazil as well as in Japan without an associated increase in cancer or other diseases.
At present, production has spread all across the world, mainly in Eastern countries such as China and Japan. Japan has also started to cultivate stevia for use as a substitute for sugar during the 1970s, and even today it is one of its main sweeteners. The production does not restrict to only these two countries but also being appreciated and pampered by other countries.
The popularity of stevia has also increased rapidly in the USA. in recent years. It is believed that stevia has anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, and anti-glycemic properties, which can help in states with hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, chronic fatigue, indigestion, upset stomach, heartburn, weight loss, cold and flu, gingivitis, tooth decay, dandruff and hair loss, brittle bones or osteoporosis, streptococci, candidiasis, bacterial infections and skin diseases such as cuts, Wounds, rashes, itching, spots, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, dermatitis, eczema, and wrinkles. It can also improve energy levels and strengthen the immune system.
Regarding diabetes, several studies and research show that stevia can stabilize blood sugar levels and increase insulin resistance. It has a regulating effect on the pancreas.
5 Natural Sweetener – Yes!!! Indeed it is a 100% natural sweetener. There are many products in the market in which chemical loading elements are used, therefore it is important to note that these elements are natural to consume a product as healthy as possible. The leaves of the stevia plant are a natural source of a sweetener without calories considered sweeter than sugar.
- Due to its nutritional and medicinal properties (it contains phytonutrients, trace elements, minerals, vitamins and volatile oils), it also acts as a general tonic, increasing energy levels, and mental acuity, and is beneficial in the treatment of many diseases. It is for all of this that stevia is probably the sweetener of the future.
- Although the consumption of stevia as a substitute sweetener for sugar is relatively recent, it has been consumed in Brazil and Paraguay for centuries not only as a sweetener but also as a healthy food and as a healing plant.
- The Indian tribes of South America have used it as a digestive aid, and they have also applied it topically for years to help wound healing.
It is currently sold as a supplement and has gained general acceptance as a calorie-free sweetener. Unlike sugar, stevia extract has no calories, but it is also about 300 times sweeter. What makes stevia so popular for many diabetics is its negligible effect on blood sugar levels, not seriously interfering with the hormone-insulin balance system, unlike other synthetic sweeteners.
These properties make it useful for weight loss. And therefore many people go with this. It is always recommended to use according to the doctor so that you will not have any issues later on. Actually, the result differs from person to person. Consulting with a doctor can make you at peace that you are going to have an ideal amount and will not confront any issues later on. It is a much healthier substitute for sugar. It also helps in the protection of teeth against cavities and plaque. It does not produce dental caries, which may be due to its high fluoride content.
The glycosides of stevia do not affect blood glucose levels, having a negligible glycemic impact, making it suitable for diabetics and people who prefer low-sugar foods in their diet. Both diabetics and hypoglycemics maintain that stevia levels blood sugar and improve metabolism.
More About Stevia
There would be many of you want to know more about it and therefore the important points have been mentioned below so that all your confusion will go away. Let’s check it out everything in a detail.
Packaged Stevia Isn’t Necessarily “All Natural.”
There would be many of you have the same question. And this question is being covered here. Yes, this is true that stevia is a plant from the earth. And this is considered as an ideal sugar substitute to survive on the grocery store shelf or in your pantry, many companies include additional ingredients. But you need to keep in mind that Packaged Stevia is exactly not what you think. Therefore it is considered to go with the natural form of Stevia.
Stevia Is A Lot Sweeter Than Sugar
Are you thinking the same? Then you have landed on the right platform. It is being mentioned here that Stevia is calorie-free. And the plant extract can taste 200 times sweeter than sugar.
Stevia Can Replace Sugar In Baking –
Yes!!! This is true that you can lighten up cookies, cakes and even cocktails using with stevia. But you need to keep one thing in mind that stevia is quite sweeter than sugar and therefore you need to be careful while using in recipes since it might need less. The amount of stevia you need to use also depends on both the type of recipe and the brand. And there you should be careful while adding it. Do not add it thinking is as same as sugar. In case you are not sure then go with the expert advice as they do have discreet information regarding this.
So, what are you waiting for? It is time to go with the benefits of Stevia chucking Sugar so that you will have great benefits.
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